
Adventure in Lynnwood

On the way to the mall with CM to pick up a pair of jeans at the Gap, we got stuck in a little traffic at the 164th and Alderwood Mall Blvd because of a flashing red light. CM looks over and sees a dude totally spaced out in the back seat of a red car next to us. So CM starts making faces at him. Well, this pisses off the guy so he starts mouthing F*YOU and getting his "panties in a bunch" over it. This only eggs CM on and he continues to make silly faces at the car, laughing hysterically. Mind you, we are still in stop and go traffic, edging our way toward the light. Then the car next to us, rolls down the window and the guy starts waving a switchblade at us!

Yes. A SWITCHBLADE. (in Lynnwood.)

CM keeps laughing at in retaliation, pulls out his "Razor" cell phone, opens it and waves it back at them. I start worrying a little, after all, we are in LYNNWOOD. So, I pull back a little hoping that they would get a head of us. But CM still keeps making faces at the car that continues to stay level with us. At the last minute, I decide that I want to honk at them right when I get to the intersection, but at that point, the other car had pulled ahead and they beat us to the light and they drove off with the dude still yelling at us.

Whew! That was a close call. You know, those Lynnwood natives can be quite dangerous...........


It is 19 degrees Farenheit in Switzerland today. Brrrrrrrr. I will need those legwarmers. Bah to all you fashion police! I'm going to wear them proudly!
Today I received a Christmas gift, a pair of pink legwarmers. Putting all the fashion questions aside of whether or not I should even be wearing legwarmers (they do keep me warm!), a larger issue looms. On the back of the packaging in small letters, i read: One Size Fits Most. What is that supposed to mean? I think its a tragedy. Pretty soon, the labels will read, One Size Fits Some. And then we will buy cars and chairs according to size, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and so on... When we go to the office supply store to buy a pen, the clerk will ask, "And which size would you like your pen? Small, Medium or Large?"


New Year's Resolutions 2006

1. Fly on a plane to New York.
2. Borrow a Helicopter and head for NYC.
3. Hitchhike to Broadway.
4. Walk to Manhattan.
5. Teleport to The Big Apple.
6. Hop a train to the Empire State Building.
7. Sail the Pacific, through the Panama Canal and up the eastern seaboard to the Statue of Liberty.
9. Meet and marry a resident of NYC. Move there.
10. One way or another, find a way to NEW YORK CITY.



Inching slowly ahead, my foot on the brake,
stop and go, stop and go—
my red car, an old maid waiting
for the man of her dreams to arrive,
getting closer to the intersection, but never
quite making it. The faces of the people
in the other cars tell a million stories
of love, betrayal, boredom,
but I am too busy for that now,
trying to find a song on my iPod
as my car continues the long trek
down the asphalt aisle
making sure I arrive right on time.


There is nothing like spending Christmas in a hospital room to remind you what Christmas is really all about. The presents, the money, the worries about all the details fade away and all that becomes important is the health and well-being of a loved one. People like to talk about the true meaning of Christmas during this time of year and there is always some kind of controversy raging in the public eye. But this time around, none of it matters, but what does is who or what I am focused on. The question I find myself asking myself is, whom do I worship? Myself or the little baby who rules the Universe? Am I more concerned about my life or about someone else's? And while sitting in a hospital with someone whom I love very much who is experiencing a lot of pain, this question becomes everything.


I've been HACKED!

My Roomate must have figured out my password somehow. For your information, the Gingerbread House Story is complete fabrication.

(Well, most of it. Ok, only just some. Actually, very little....but I'm still mad that she posted in my name!!!!!)


I must confess. I cannot keep this wrong to myself any longer. Would it be alright if we pretended, just for this moment in time, that it's just you and me, in this great cyberspace?
I did something horrible today, Dr. Phil (would it be alright if I called you that?). I broke the roomate circle of trust. Which, might I add, is extremely important to my roomate, C. My roomate had a big, important, she-was-up-all-night-the-night-before-worrying-about-it event. She was in a gingerbread house making competition. I told her competition for the gingerbread house contest, what her plans were. I told him that their (her friend Veronica's also) house was actually going to be a trailer. A white trash trailer. As you can see, they named it after me, because she found out that I had, in fact, become a traitor. "Jen's Trashy Trailer House" it reads. I am currently sitting outside our apartment, with only my thoughts to keep me company, as she will not let me inside. How could I do such a thing to such an incredible roomate? She's the best roomate I have EVER had **sniff**. She's practically perfect, and here I am, a big mess-up, a complete blabber mouth.
Hopefully she will forgive this unforgivable break of roomate trust. What can I do to make it up to her? I desperately need your advice.
Your Hair Should Be Orange
Expressive, deep, and one of a kind.You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices.
Here's some advice that I recently learned the hard way.



Some may think these are Abercrombie and Fitch Models, or perhaps gentlemen straight from a JCrew catalog, but I think they are more like the Bobsey Twins...
I walk in to Starbucks, wait patiently in line, give my drink order, pay and then wait again on the other end. Tall Americano with Room. I grab my drink, walk over to the condiment bar and pour in about 2 seconds of half and half, put the lid back on and head out to my car. I get in, put my seatbelt on, turn on my mini ipod and reverse out of the parking spot, holding my coffee in one hand. Driving away, I wait until I am well on the road before I take that first sip.

Each time I reach that point, it's like hearing an old favorite song from high school that I haven't heard for ten years, or running into an elementary school best friend in the mall while Christmas shopping or finding that pair of shoes you thought were lost.

It's a great part of the day.


I love it when my friends are happy and good things are happening to them.


Dear Santa:

Christmas Wish List: (in no particular order)

1. Vespa
2. First Edition by C.S. Lewis....any title will do.
3. Hair that is one color.
4. Subtract Ten Lbs.
5. Brown dress shoes.
6. Large white canvas to paint on
7. Manual typwriter, non-electric.
8. Narnia Soundtrack
9. Pastry Cutter
10. Large 3 story turn of the 20th Century house with husband and kids on land.

Jennifer Joy


The Conspirators [or as they are commonly known, E*Star and Juniper]:

Going to study involves more than just books. First, there must be the proper atmosphere. Often Starbucks will not cut it at all. The backdrop must be just so--especially if photographs are taken in the course of the evening. Interesting people to watch must also be present. If there are no interesting people, then what will distract you from your studying. Music, laptops and gadgets are also useful things to have a long to continue the distractions.

For sure, the most important thing in this event is good coffee and excellent company.

And a Conspiracy.

Spying on people at coffee shops is a serious buisness. The trick is taking the picture without them knowing. However, my friend here kept putting his hand up to his head, ruining the whole effect. He does, however, have excellent taste in hats.
Today, I am learning how to build an operating system onto a computer. It brings me back to my junior high ms dos days.... you know the little mini programs that would add and subtract things. For me, that was 1988. Whee!! Goin' back to the roots, back to the roots.

Yes, Timothy, THEY are turning me into a tech. Perhaps one day I will acheive the status "nerd" or even a higher aspiration....."geek."



All notations, comments, stories, language, and references to my roomate are most likely intended to elicit a laugh from all blog readers. Nothing stated regarding my relationship with my roomate should be completely believed, but instead regarded as suspect, or as said in the common American vernacular, taken with a grain of salt.


Once again, I am a pedestrian. My fate rests in the hands of Jared Reidt, my first cousin, resident of Bothell, WA, world class mechanic.


Advice Desperately Needed...

I came home tonight and found that my roomate had done some redecorating. She has put kitten pictures all over the walls! I just don't know how to tell her how tacky it looks. When we moved in together, we had the whole, you know, PET talk. She never said anything about being obsessed with cats. I think I could handle one small picture of a cat, maybe in the bathroom or in the laundry closet, but all over the living room and dining area? No way! I called her when I saw them all up, and she was so excited about it, kept raving on and on about how cute the kittens were. She said she thought we could just have them all taped up until she gets some frames for the pictures. What is she thinking? I think she might be going a little loopy or something. I wonder if I should be worried about her or talk to someone about this?


Who is your favorite character from Narnia?

Mine is Puddleglum.

But my favorite Narina book is A Horse and His Boy.


Do you have a song...

...that no matter where or when you hear it, you just want to turn it up a few notches and just listen?

One such song for me is:

Bad [Live] by U2 on the Wide Awake In America EP.


I'm feeling a little antsy.
The quickest way to a man's heart really is through his stomach, because then you don't have to chop through that pesky rib cage. - J. Jacques


This morning, I learned my lesson. You know that old saying, "Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched?" I celebrated last night the fact that I had no more papers to write with a nice bottle of Pinot Noir.

Foiled Again!

This morning, I found another assignment waiting for me . My crafty professor snuck another paper in. Luckily, I like this prof. and his class has been one of my easier ones thus far. So I didn't swear or throw anything.

On the upside of it all, I will just have to have another celebration in two weeks. Perhaps this time we will break out the Champagne. Care to join me anyone?


In less than a month, I will be in Switzerland. First, I will want to eat Zupfa, or if that is not available, I will eat a schoggi gipfuli. (chocolate croissant). I will hug lots of people and even kiss them! During my stay there, I will engage in the following activities:
1. Snowboarding
2. Snow Battle with the little baby Nicholas Matter
3. Eating a Kiwi Migros Excellence Yogurt
4. Drinking wine and toasting with my wonderful Hanna and Bernhard everynight before bed
5. Taking Dinah for a walk in the Forest
6. Looking at the Stars at night with Mirjam
7. Drinking a beer with Jenny and listening to music on the balcony.
8. Watching action movies with Michi and Nici
9. Driving on the moped with Eva Maria
10. Laughing with Simone and maybe even rockin' out to some Switchfoot
11. "Gitalah" with Simone and Rahel
12. Drinking a coffee with Bri
13. Listening to records and talking theology with Eric
14. Hanging out in the city with the girls
15. Eating lots and lots of food at all the dinner invitations I will have (espcially Sri Lankan curry!)
16. Taking a long walk with Shauna
17. Spending tons and tons of quality time with friends.
18. Shopping at H&M
19. Ordering a caffe creme at a little coffee shop on Nidaugasse
20. Riding a train somewhere....probably Lyss.
21. Walking to the Broekenstubbe.
22. Meeting all the MCs
23. Buying some Lobella
24. Eating lots and lots of chocolate
25. Hug a million little kids.


If anyone has ben curious as to what I have been doing with myself since August....may your curiosity be sated with this picture...


My cousin Vincent has entered a film into a contest....Read below. Check it out and VOTE! (give him 4 stars of course!)

Friends,I entered a short film into a contest called, The 64 Second Film Contest. The first phase of the contest is voted on by the public (you).As there are some other good movies posted (all are unofficially rated PG), I'm not necessarily asking for you to vote for my film, but that would be helpful as to ensure that I make it to phase two.The idea of the contest was to come up with a creative way of defining "waitlessness" in 64 seconds. It is intentionally spelled incorrectly as to define the essence of not waiting.To vote, go to: http://www.64seconds.comClick on: "the show"Scroll through the pages by clicking on "next" until you see my name and the title "Isle 3, Bottom Shelf," or this thumbnail (attached). To watch the movie again, click on the thumbnail again.I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to cast your vote (in the upper right of the page).
One more reason for not getting involved in messy relationships....

I tried signing up for Comcast yesterday, so I can start Telecommuting (as the receptionist, yes.) Well, it seems that the PREVIOUS tenant hasn't paid his last bill. We think his name might be David Rose as we keep getting stuff from a local vet for him....

Well, I've been a bit Tee'd off, so I thought I'd google him....

And THIS was what I came up with...

If this is the same David Rose, then I guess it makes sense why he's dodging Comcast...I mean a $4,000 custody suit over a dog with his Ex. That's pretty important. Poor Guy.

I suppose I'm a little more understanding of his situation now....

Rumour Mill

Lately, some crazy gossip has been going 'round about me. I just want to make it clear that I:

Was not the pooper scooper for the three headed elephant at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Have never been a member of a punk rock band, though I did have green hair once.

Have never been, nor plan to be a Tibeten Monk.

Have never been in jail, though I did get handcuffed once (case of mistaken identity).

Am not a secret agent for the CIA.
One Frosty Evening....


The Everyman Photo Contest results are in! I didn't win anything, but there are some amazing photos that did! I like the landscape winner alot.


"The whole point of the fairy tale of the Gospel is, of course, that he is the king in spite of everything. The frog turns out to be the prince, the ugly duckling the swan, the little gray man who asks for bread the great magician with the power of life and death in his hands, and though the steadfast tin soldier falls into the flames, his love turns out to be fireproof. There is no less danger and darkeness in the Gospel than there is in the Brothers Grimm, but beyond and above all there is the joy of it, this tale of light breaking into the world that not even the darkness can overcome.

That is the Gospel, this meeting of darkness and light and the final victory of light. That is the fairy tale of the Gospel with, of course one crucial difference from all other fairy tales, which is that the claim made for it is that it is true, that it not only happened once upon a time but has kept on happening ever since and is happening still. To preach the Gospel in its original power and mystery is to claim in whatever way the preacher finds it possible to claim that once upon a time is this time, now, and here is the dark wood that the light gleams at the heart of like a jewel, and the ones who are to live happily ever after are...all who labor and are heavy laden, the poor naked wretches wheresoever they be" (90-91).

--Frederick Beuchner.

(If I could, I'd make you all read this book, but as it is, I can continually post exerpts from it until you get sick of it or until you run out and buy it yourself.)


Triple J's in Kirkland has been remodeled. It now has an "Ikea" feel. Not quite the W Hotel, but like they are trying hard to reach that high hipster status. I just don't know how I feel about this change. I suppose the main issue I have with Triple J's and have always had is the ATM machine located inside. It didn't work with the eclectic cafe feel and it doesn't work with the New York wanna be decor. Now, if they had gone with the whole truck stop in Texas feel, the ATM machine would really cozy the place up and I'd probably be raving about how much I love the place.
Here's a thread to follow. And an excellent topic too.


In honor of the snow discovered on Camano Island this morning by two adventurers named E*star and Juniper, I bring you this: (best read with hot cocoa and christmas cookie in hand next to cozy woodstove burning hot wrapped up in grandma's quilts)

"You wake up on a winter morning and pull up the shade, and what lay there the evening before is no longer there--the sodden gray yard, the dog droppings, the tire tracks in the frozen mud, the broken lawn chair you forgot to take in last fall. All this has disappeared overnight, and what you look out on is not the snow of Narnia but the snow of home, which is no less shimmering and white as it falls. The earth is covered with it, and it is falling still in silence so deep that you can hear its silence. It is snow to be shoveled, to make driving even worse than usual, show to be joked about and cursed at, but unless the child in you is entirely dead, it is snow too, that can make the heart beat faster when it catches you by surprise that way, before your defenses are up. It is snow that can awaken memories of things more wonderful than anything you ever knew or dreamed."
--Frederick Buechner; Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale.


With six days of vacation, I have this feeling of TIME. I have little homework. (That is completely relative, however...but we are talking feelings here...) I have days and days at my parents new house on Camano Island stretching out before me... (and 4 of them are paid). Premium.

What will I do with all this luxurious time?

Eating (hopefully not too much or else my already too tight jeans won't fit and I dont have a hundred bucks for another pair of Lucky's).

Sleeping (In the large big four poster bed, well until my brother and his wife come to kick me out on the couch. Hey! I should make them sleep on the couch...they like to cuddle).

Exploring (Hopefully, this time I will take a map. Last time I was on Camano, I got lost and I thought...Hey this is an island, I will just eventually end up on the other side...well, not exactly. I did go in a circle, but somehow only stayed on the opposite side of the island than where my parents live. Not a very efficient roadway system, if you ask me) (Also, exploring will give me the ability to eat more...).

And perhaps doing a little homework (trust me, as little as possible).

And as I saw on the Splash and Dash Car Wash sign today...."Life is either an Adventure or Nothing."
i am so sad. my blog seems to be broken...


Absence really does make the heart grow fonder. As I got myself situated at home for a night of studying, I realized that it has been a whole 7 days since I have had a proper cup of tea. Can you believe that? 7 DAYS. The whole process of boiling the water, putting the tea bags in the teapot, waiting for the tea to brew, smelling the aroma of tea, putting in sugar and milk, stirring, and AH.....the first sip.

I love Tea.

It is important to follow directions. And this is one of the BEST that I have seen in a long while...
Flying at night...

...is always an adventure for me. The stars are so clear, and the city lights below are fascinating. Flying home from California last night, we were approaching SeaTac airport, coming around the circle on our way in for the landing. The fog was thick below us, with the lights of the Seattle area glowing under the cloud bank in various patches. We made the last turn, ready to make the final approach and the waning moon appeared low over the clouds, very large and very orange.

As we entered the clouds and headed toward the ground, we had almost reached the runway, when the pilot realized that he wasn't properly aligned and so up we went again. Though some people on the plane were a little freaked out by this, I was happy for another look at that moon. I wanted to stay up there, perhaps three or four more turns...


I decided that I should start my own reality show.


Getting lost in LA, and this is the result. (Oh, by the way, this is not really where Ive been hiding out. This was just a foray out for food and supplies)


Blue Boat on Camano Is.

Checking out my Parent's new pad on Camano Is.


Hairline Poll:

1. How many of my readers have a widow's peak? Don't be embarrassed to say, as I have one, and have had one all my life. (perhaps for any balding readers, I should ask, who has had one since childhood?)

2. Who has a Cowlick? (I also have one of these, and its quite annoying.)

I might add that as a child I used to get two words mixed up. (Crotch and Cowlick) Now that's embarrassing.


Have you ever had a conversation on instant messenger that is actually worth saving?
I just did.

me and molly


T.S. Eliot "Rhapsody on a Windy Night"

We share the same moon but, we argue
whether the man on the moon
watches us down here on earth
or if she is a great lady
up in the night sky.
I find the moon smiles at me
from mud puddles and reflects
off skyscrapers in daylight
while you hold coins in the air
to make her disappear with your hand.
I am always looking for him
to rise, large and round.
You wait patiently for her
to appear on the next clear night.


Can I just vent a little? I mean this is my blog. I can write whatever I want, can't I? Sometimes I just think my roomate is the greatest person. I mean, she is really great.

but you know sometimes she is just so frustrating. It seems like every weekend when its time to do laundry, her clothes are in the wash. I come to the little laundry corner, with my large overflowing basket and what do I find? The washer and dryer are filled every time! EVERY SINGLE TIME. So you know what? I thought, ok, I'm an adult, she's an adult, we can work this out, right? So I sit her down this past weekend to talk, discuss, you know, come to SOME kind of resolution. Anything. I'd be happy. So she sits there nodding, going "uh-huh" "uh-huh" "yah" ....so on and so forth....so I think, great! it's all worked out. We've got a schedule, a plan.

WELL....this evening I come home and what do i find? my roomate, trying to make up for all the earlier headaches, well....she does my laundry!!! And she knows that I love bleaching stuff, so what does she do? She BLEACHES my DARKS! HELLO!

Oh I'm so angry right now.

oh, and by the way, don't tell her i told you all this....
Thom and Kate's Wedding
a few higlights. My pictures aren't even .00001% of how cool it was....

First Dance

The Hallstrom Sisters

Thom tucking his Bride in...

The getaway car...

A.P. hoping to see the light...


some people think this is a trip. no, i wasnt on a trip.


It can happen in a second. It is a matter of a switch of perspective. Pulling a string on a lamp, click, click. Light off, Light on. Just like that. It doesn't have to be a big ordeal. There does not need to be courtroom debate. Its a simple thing. Simple. And why doesn't it happen? That's the complicated part. Reason, experience, geography and so on...

Trust is simple.
Here's a site for all you movie go-ers:
Brian Godawa is Christian Screenplay writer who analyzes movies from their philosophies and worldviews. He is not doing what Ted Baeher does and other sites like that, analyzing how much sex and violence is in a movie. I think that his site (alongside others) would give a better picture of what a movie is about. Caution--he does spoil the movies for you, if you like to not know the story...


this is an audio post - click to play
Your Fashion Style is Classic
You like what's stood the test of time...Simple, well styled clothes that don't scream trendyYou stay updated and modern, but your clothes stay in style for a whileYou wouldn't be caught in animal prints, fake fur, or super bright colors
The Everyman Photo Contest

I entered in two categories:
People/Portrait: #344
Landscape/Nature: #615

Under People/Portrait, I like #299
and under Landscape/Nature, #161, #228 and # 382 are also very good.

Wish me luck!


I get a little report on my blog each week that tells me the amount of page loads. I noticed that on this past Sunday, I had 57 page loads, but only 13 unique visitors. These page loads do not include my views as I have a little "cookie" stored on my computer that tells the counter not to count me. It seems that someone was coming back to my blog to look at something over and over. Very interesting.


Some Statistics That You May not Know:

Results for Bloomsday 2002
Jennifer J Staab
Time: 1:14:15 Place: 5908
Ran the race with a pace of 09:57 per mile.
Placed first among people from Bothell, Wa
117th among people the same age
The average time for 27-year-olds was 2:11:34
1672th among female runners
13th among people born on July 8
First among people with the same last name
Bill and Ted would call these two : "Excellent Medieval Babes"


Text Poll:

What is your favorite flavor of Starburst?

Lemon -2

And the more creative types:
Kiwi Mango

And the ones who live in Atlanta, who don't read their text messages very well, and who shall remain nameless, but are moving to Seattle in January (at least that's the rumor):
Chi frap with vanilla

And the ones in foreign countries who have no clue what Starburst is:
im a little confused...

And the roomate who can't make up her mind:
I don't know and even though I am opinionated person , on these kind of questions, I just don't have an opinion.

I wish more people would have responded to this poll, so if you didn't and would like your vote to be counted, leave a comment.

PS: My favorite is Orange, but I didn't count my vote as I couldn't send a text to myself... The reason it is orange is completely arbitrary. When I was about 13, my cousin Roxann and I decided to find out which was the best Skittles flavor, so we played this game called Stadium Marbles with skittles instead of marbles. Well, orange won it, so we made a pact that orange was the best flavor no matter the type of candy.


Look. Blue Sky.


I felt a little silly tonight at my friend E*'s house. We were eating BLT's in front of the TV, watching the news. Some crazy credit card commercial was on with vikings and I was laughing at it. She looked at me and said, "you haven't seen that?"

No. I don't watch TV, like ever. So its been a while since I've seen commercials. I wish there was a channel on the internet where I could just watch all the commercials, so I can feel up to speed with American pop culture. Actually, that probably does exist, huh? And you are going to tell me about it huh? Well, let me tell you... !

I do like vikings. I almost bought a TShirt the other day called "real men kill deer with swords"



Hazy. 1500 people. Hot. Bad venue management. Great second band, Eisley. Sweet light show. Mesmerized crowd. Mostly played from "Beautiful Letdown"--I guess even they don't like their new album. Best part--Bob Dylan cover.


With all the "to-do" about Harriet Miers, I thought it would be good to look up some more reliable sources on the internet...and I found....

Harriet Miers Blog!!

My favorite is the "Princess Sparkle Pony"

(some people have way too much time on their hands)


Calvinist Friendship

How in the world do some friendships begin? To look at the facts of the matter, most of the time it seems unlikely that I and the other person would ever connect in any deep let alone shallow level. Many people say that friendship is a choice based on likes and dislikes, a social contract of sorts, just like the constitution or a business contract. However, there are too many unknowns to factor in such as differences of belief, gender barriers, age gaps and radically different music tastes. Sometimes random conversations begin a friendship while other times, a friendship can start after long periods of conflict with an opponent. I have had both.

It could be that Calvin was right. Nothing starts or ends without the sovereign working of God. Where does free-will play into it all? I am not sure if it has much to do with it. Some of my favorite people are people that I rarely see because of geographic boundaries or other such circumstances. Not that the people whom I choose to spend my time with aren't favorites, but just because I am not around a person doesn't mean I wouldn't love to see them.

Perhaps choice determines the short-term relationships or even aquaintances, but with long-term relationships there is definately something bigger going on. It is never so simple. Friendship is a lot of work and I suppose without God, nothing would last very long. He seems to know better than I do which people are the best fit for me.


Announcement: Two papers finished and turned in. Am I prolific? I am prolific. Perhaps as not at prolific as Ryan Adams, but we all know that he doesn't keep appointments. I do my best to keep important engagements. It's funny, right now I feel like I am on top of the world right now, but tomorrow when I face my stack of books and the other two papers that are due on Friday, I may have fallen deep into the depths of despair. How melodramatic. Lovely. I will name my alter ego Melanie Ivana Demetrius. Three claims to heritage--being British, Russian and Greek Orthodox. She drinks cheap wine by the case, writes very bad poetry, is drop-dead beautiful with waistlength chocolate brown hair, and drives a 20 year old Benz, cream colored. Diesel.
Tonight is a full moon.
Not that we will be seeing it in Seattle because of the clouds. But, I will be looking.

Update on my car: I sent it in for a therapy session today. Two large cavities called brake rotors, along with the heater core. The damage is great. Do I bite it and pay the money or stop driving a car? Is the car even worth it? Perhaps I should just become a pedestrian once again?

I'm going to think about something more positive, like the fact that there is a full moon tonight.

Tonight is a full moon.


4 weeks, twenty papers, that's two dollars....Gee Johnny, I don't have a dime....Didn't ask for a dime....TWO DOLLARS.

Well, for me it's more like one week, 4 papers....I wrote the shortest tonight. Tomorrow is a big one. I'm excited to tackle it. And I will leave you with this.

We must change our language....


And at this moment, i have had 360 visitors to this site. Nod to BillG and MS.
In response to Mr. Touch Down over at Don't Wait I say this....
Don't get sucked in to the gaming console business, young man (I can say this as I am two years older than him, and much much wiser) or else you will end up like this guy or this guy.
The marvels of reproduction....

"I've said it before and I'll say it again: families that reproduce people tend to reproduce ideas, as well. The most vocal non-scientist proponents of ID are those delightfully fertile Catholics, Evangelicals, and similarly right-leaning middle-class college-educated folk -- the kind whose children will inherit the country. Eventually, the social right will have the sheer manpower to teach ID wherever they please." --from "Why Intelligent Design is going to win"
How often does a movie come out the weekend before a paper is due that happens to be on the very same topic? Lucky me. Now, my paper isn't about communism, but rather the cultural war between the left and the right, the rhetoric each side uses as their weapons, so on and so forth...I'm grabbing my notebook and heading to catch the flick on the silver screen.


Fall is such a beautiful time of year. It is also a time for reflection and meditation. Long walks and evenings at coffee shops should be on the program. Friends should not be neglected, but take out that book forgotten on the shelf, wipe the dust off and take a few evenings to read.

What am I saying? I can't read whatever I want! I have 3 textbooks a week to digest. Well, perhaps in 2008...

All arguments and debates seem to come down to one point.

The world is an open sytem, created by a transcendent God, who orders and defines all reality.
The world is a closed system made up of cause and effect and reality is defined in either human or natural terms.

so, this is what a rockstar feels like...
Random Thoughts

I am so glad that I am not working retail during the upcoming holiday season.

I bought three things that sparkle yesterday.

My new dentist said I have good bone structure and no tooth decay. Direct Quote: "You have beautiful teeth." I like him already.

Fall has really set in. The grey days are here to stay.

I hope my car survives the winter. It keeps blowing a specific fuse. The one that controls my speedometer and gauges. I finally figured out the problem. When I turn on my lights and the windshield wipers at the same time, it blows. I have a stash of fuses. I figure I will just put in one a week to make sure I know how much gas I have.

My car has also been making some funny noises lately: a squealing belt on cold mornings, a grating brake sound in the rain, squeaky wheel on the drivers side. None of these things seem to happen ALL of the time, just some of the time.

I think I worry too much.

I like drinking barley green and orange juice. Wierd, but I really like the taste!


It's difficult to take pictures of the moon with a digital camera, but I had to try as it was such a gorgeous October moon behind bare tree branches.
Yes! I am studying.

I just wanted to say that I really like the snickerdoodles at Cafe Ladro in Bothell, WA.
Dreaming of Motorcyles.

The plan is: at age 50-ish, I'm buying a Harley. I will wear a long black Aussie coat, Leather Chaps, and Motorcyles boots. I won't dye my hair. It will be long, braided and grey. I will spend all of my free time riding the open road, philosophizing and writing poetry in the Dakotas.

C will pull up beside me at some random small town 4 way stop. She will be in a pearl white Cadillac--Long, Wide and Sleek. She'll be wearing a long white camel hair coat, white silk scarf and large gold sunglasses, very Jackie O.

I'll rev my bike at her before roaring off and leaving her in the dust.


The movie Everything is Illuminated was playing at Queen Anne, so I headed down with E. You know, when I read the book, I remember it being cryptic and disturbing. The movie wasn't so much that way. I enjoyed Elijah Woods. Excellent Cinematography and the music, perfect. I still wouldn't be able to recommend it unreservedly as I think any movie about, or even just generally about the Holocaust is disturbing in some way. I will say, that the sunflower part is just about the best bit of the whole movie, along with the dog. Anyway, thanks TH and AP for letting me know the movie was playing. I think I'd rather have just seen the movie than read the book, but too late to go on about that now.

Wow. A typically mundane and a little boring post, here. Don't worry, I'm sure I will spice it up a little tomorrow.

Update: as requested...

Jonathan (Elijah Wood): "Are you my translator?"
Alex (Eugene Hutz): "Forgive my speaking of english, Jonfen, as I am not so premium with it."


Another note about blogging...it's annoying when people leave their sidebar as such:
Google News
Edit Me
Edit Me

If these folks can't figure out how to change that, use MySpace or someother hyper-user-friendly blog space...PLEASE?

Whoah, Jen! Good thing it's the weekend, eh?
Say Hello to Henry everyone! (He likes carrots, btw)


Welcome, Gus. I just want to know which kind of blogger you are....
Lucie over at International Orange created a word called meta-blognition: blogging about blogging. There are different kinds of bloggers, just like there are different kinds of personalities. Here is my list:

1. Hyper-texters: These folks find thing of interest and fill their post full of links. Another name for this kind of person could also be "Internet Tour Guide." One example: "Don't Wait"
2. Social Commentarians: The blogosphere is full of these. Sound Politics and Michelle Malkin are two of my favorites.
3. Gimmicksters: Gotta have a trick or some type of clever scheme to attract readers. Daily Dancer is probably one of the best I've seen, along with Anonymous Lawyer.
4. Dear Diarians: One interesting thing about these bloggers is the large amount of personal information that they share on their online "journal" that they would never say out loud. I won't give any examples of these as I wouldn't want to outright embarrass anyone.
5. Escapadists: People who blog after some sort of crazy event or adventure. The question I have about these is this: Do they have adventures, then blog or do they have adventures so that they can blog? I would admit to being one of these.
6.Cranberries: "Everyone is doing it, so why can't we?" Practically every person on MySpace.com
7. Conglamorites: Any combination of the above.

I have an addition...

8.up-Daters: Here we have people who are "talking without talking" to someone in particular.


The Roomate

Yesterday, many of you were breathless with anticipation to hear more of Marsha's Adventures, but the author is going to take a small rabbit trail today, to tell a story about Marsha's roomate, Opal.

A few years ago, Opal also had some car troubles. Luckily, her cousin loaned her a car for a few months. A 1965 Mustang. Was she excited? You bet. True, there was no heat, but who cared when driving a Mustang! For a few weeks, everything went great. And, on top of it all, she knew that she was just really cool. However, one cold winter day, she was pulled over--for the first time in her life, I might add.

"Your tabs are expired."

Opal's heart stopped. What was she going to do? Well, she started by handing the officer her license and reached for the insurance. (I must rewind a little. Opal's cousin's kid had been playing in the Mustang the day before and had strewn the insurance cards all over the floor.) Opal searched the entire car for the right one, but could not find it, so she had to hand over an old card.

Opal received a very large ticket.

Wait. The drama does not stop there. She headed over to the Shoreline Municipal court to plead her case to the judge. The insurance part of the ticket was removed, and so all that had to be taken care of was the tabs. She gave the information to her cousin and thought no more of it....

...Until a year and a half later, no longer driving the Mustang, Opal receives a call from a bill collector: "You have a $175.00 ticket you must pay and your license has been suspended."

"What? For how long?"

"Six months. We've been trying to track you down."

Opal had been driving around for six months with a suspended license. And had no clue. Some people, especially Opal's mother think she needs a husband to take care of minute details like this one, but the author isn't so convinced. It's more the issue of being a victim of the American Legal System, don't you think?

One other quick note, we just were informed that Opal also forgot to renew her license this year and so drove around for a month, and even rented a car, on an expired license...

Maybe she does need to get married.


The Continuing Saga of Marsha* and Her Vehicles
Or better known as, Where'd I Park my Car Last Night?
* names have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent.

Once upon a time, there was a girl named Marsha. She had car problems and as she had money problems concurrently, the car sat for three months in someone's yard. Finally, the money was lined up and the car was fixed. Soon after she started driving it again, Marsha noticed that there was horrible smell in the car. She thoroughly cleaned the car, washing it down, vacuuming it, even bleaching the seats and dashboard. She could not completely eradicate the smell, but it was at least borderline tolerable.

One morning, while driving to class, with her carpool--a young man named Leroy--Marsha was pulled over for speeding. At the moment that Marsha asked Leroy to pull the registration out of the glove box, the unthinkable happened.

As Leroy opened the glove box (yes, I realize that some of your smart thinkers have already jumped the gun on this one, just hold on and wait for our slower readers to catch up) a most horrific smell poured out along with all the contents of the glove box that had been recently shredded and nested in by a large rodent. The policeman immeadiately stepped a few few away from the car. "What is that godawful smell?"

Marsha was not let off the hook by the tragedy, and still had to pass her half-eaten registration over to the now Tee'd off cop. And yes, she received a ticket.

Tune in tomorrow when we find out why part of the guard rail on Highway 2 is now gold-flecked...


Sometimes, when I am in my new apartment, with the electric kettle boiling, the sound of the washing machine overriding the Rachmaninoff on the record player, the smell of bleach in the air and candles lit, I feel as if I am in someone else's house.

But, when I am in my bed, with the covers pulled to my chin, and the sound of rain coming in from the open window,


if I am in the kitchen with the pots and pans out, vegetable peelings in the sink, the fridge partially open and the combined smell of olive oil, garlic and onion,

I feel completely at home.

I don't think I will try an analyze this one.


Blustery Day

It looks to be the first blustery day of Fall 2005 in Seattle. Walking in the wind, and picking blackberries, very exciting! I don't understand why people don't enjoy weather. I like weather. But I don't like blackberry seeds in my teeth.



In Switzerland, because of having to walk everywhere, Andrew and I started to keep a walking journal. Andrew was my "pedestrian pool." (instead of carpool, you see?)

Today, on my lunch walk, I thought I should again keep track of things that I notice while i am walking.
1. I picked up two very colorful leaves, and then later added two more. I have a collection pressed into the yellow pages on my bookshelf in my office.
2. The Blackberry bushes are laden. I ate a couple. I wasn't sure if there are pesticides on them, but I haven't felt any adverse side effects since lunch, so I think tomorrow I will take a container of some sort and pick some.

a. If there was some kind of disaster in Seattle, I would want it to happen at work, because of several factors. First, the large amount of blackberry bushes around the area. That would be a great form of sustenance. Next, My building is next to the caterer's building. This means that there would more than likely be food in this building and I could go over and....no....would i really do it? looting? Last, we have a lot of candy stashed at work. This would be able to be rationed out. I would even eat Hershey's if it came to that.

b. I was also thinking about how I would make a blackberry pie in case of a disaster. Here's how I thought it might work. Pick a lot of blackberries. Break open the vending machine at work, take out all the cookies, crunch them up into bits, make a little paste with some of the milk from the cooler. Put the crust into the bottom of the candy bowl, recently emptied of its contents by ravenous techs, and then put the berries on top. Then either try cooking it in the microwave or put it on top of the server. Or maybe make a big fire out back with pallets and cook it over an open fire. That would probably be the best idea.

3. It took me about 20 minutes to walk my circle.
4. The weather was absolute perfection.
"If only there were evil people somewhere , insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to seperate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?" --Alexandr Solzhenitsyn.
A good friend of mine made this comment on this post of mine from last week:
"Talking in the language of war could be easily misconstrued... "

This is an excellent point. Something that I have been thinking about, mainly because I have been reading a truckload of books on this topic, is media and how we communicate using it. In this specific instance, the use of the internet, there is something built into the way the internet works called html links. A reader, in a very postmodern way, can create his or her own text to read. It is difficult to direct a reader in a specific path. The internet user will choose to click on a certain link, but not on another. What does this mean? When there is a specific message that needs to be communicated and you are using language or a metaphor, such as war, to represent or mean something else, AND you are using the internet to communicate that, then there will be even a greater chance of miscommunication and misrepresentation than if you were engaged in a face to face conversation. And we all know how hard it is to even just communicate with people face to face. When considering using the internet, TV or other media like this, that has built into it, the ultimate choice for the audience, this point has to be understood.

This is just my humble opinion.


I don’t want to be a band-aid.
Can I be an envelope instead, a message inside,
licked seal, placed in a mail box—
addressed, stamped, postmarked?

I’d much rather become a packet of seeds,
taken out one by one, lined up all in a row
in the ground, covered, stomped on,
watered and waited upon.

Or a para-glider, with the whole world below,
carried on the winds down, all the way
to the ground, carrying you with me.
The problem with having too many blogs to post to, it that it can confuse the author. She writes something intended for one, but yet, it goes to another.


Time Management Issues

This weekend, I found an unlikely opponent--My Time. Wherever I turned, he was there waiting to punch me in the stomach, trip me or pull my hair. (Yah, he fights dirty). Now that I think about it, he may even had spit a few spitwads in my direction and thrown in a few wet towel snaps. OUCH.

So, I am going to make some changes. First, an experiment. How much time do I waste talking on IM? I will disengage for a week and see what happens. Oh, you will see me online, but I just won't respond.

We will see in a week how my homework level stands and reassess (That's a wierdly spelled word when looking at it too long).


Friday night before the big crash of Hurricane Rita on the Texas coast.

What will we wake up to tomorrow? With all the negative backlash about the slow response of the Federal, State and local governments after Hurrican Katrina, here's one group that has made a difference. We can't wait around for the government to solve our problems. When citizens take action, we see results!
For updates, prayer requests and action points for Hurricane Rita check out this site of a church in Dallas--click on the Hurricane Rita link.


I did not take this picture. I wish I had.


You know, it kind of feels good when people that I am close to make such an impact in a community that there is a backlash. I mean, when someone goes to all the trouble to make a website attacking what we hold dear, it makes me think that we are doing something right.
Vote today: Washington State Primary

I think I may have been the first person at the polling place this morning, as it took my election worker a few minutes to figure out how to turn on the machine and give me my voting card. I was a little dissapointed that I couldn't vote for the Bothell city council. I guess it is because I am registered in unincorporated Bothell.

I wonder what percentage of people in Washington will actually vote in the primary?


Autumn is approaching...

Did anyone see the moon this morning, about 7am? He just didn't want to go to bed. He was in full view, strong and bright.

I have been taking brisk walks at lunch and noticing the leaves changing color, a few are falling to the ground already. The blackberry bushes are laden with ripe berries. The air is getting descisively colder each morning. A few thoughts roll around in my brain: my skin is getting dry, I need to have my cousin Jared fix my heater before the first frost, I need to collect more leaves and make a collage for Mirjam, when can I start wearing leg-warmers again, it's been a year since I've been home, I miss Switzerland, and time for Gluehwine (mulled wine) and raclette!


I don't watch TV, but I'm addicted to the Internet.

"One of the more dangerous myths about television is that it is a wasteland appreciated only by the lazy and the illiterate." --Roderick P. Hart, Seducing America: How Television Charms the Modern Voter.

Speaking of a wasteland...

I sat upon the shore
Fishing, with the arid plain behind me
Shall I at least set my lands in order?
London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down
Poi s'ascose nel foco che gli affina
Quando fiam uti chelidon - O swallow swallow
Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la tour abolie
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih

...kind of like a bunch of sound bytes, eh? A prophetic PoMo.

AND, speaking of voting, don't forget that next Tuesday, September 20th is the primary. VOTE.
if i could open my arms
and span the length of the isle of manhattan
i'd bring it to where you are
making a lake of the east river and hudson.
if i could open my mouth
wide enough for a marching band to march out
they would make your name sing
and bend through alleys and bounce off all the buildings.

"Marching Bands of Manhattan" --Death Cab for Cutie


In response to the "South Beach Diet" WE, my roomate and I, have decided to create a new diet.

The Viking Diet

1. Fresh Kill Only. The liver must be eaten first, preferably raw.
2. Foraged foods such as berries and roots are optional. Note: Roots of any sort make a good tea when boiled in water.
3. Fermented drinks only

If you strictly follow The Viking Diet, you will see a drastic change in your weight, especially your abdominal area. Your hunting skills will increase greatly, especially the strength of your arms and hands as you will find the best method for the "Fresh Kill" is wringing or strangling.

PS: We do not apologize for our politically-UN-correct diet, as its benefits outweigh the offenses.
poem snippet

the moon moves out from behind
the clouds, peeking at me
the tears i saw on your face yesterday
lighting up the dark sky
for a moment
before moving back hiding again
so i grip the steering wheel
speed up a little
and scan the night hoping for one more view
In an attempt to record the last ten years or so of my life:
(this in no way, reflects my favorites, but rather my time allotment)

2005: Finding Neverland Soundtrack/Garden State Soundtrack
2004: Alles Fur Den Herrn (Xavier Naidoo)/A Rush of Blood to the Head (Coldplay)/Amelie Soundtrack
2003: The Hours Soundtrack/ Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (Wilco)
2002: Philadelphia (Mark Knopfler)/ Coldplay (Yellow)
2001: NPR
2000: NPR
1999: nothing
1998: nada
1997: nichts
1996: Delirious 3 & 4
1995: August and Everything After (Counting Crows)
1994: Silver (Starflyer 69)/Everybody Else is Doing it, So Why Can't We (Cranberries)
Pre 1994: U2 and The Wall (Pink Floyd)


Good Movie Title?

I read this morning that "tears are meant for an audience." Not only does this appeal to my poetic nature, (I began to think how to write a poem about this image without being too sappy. --but it's hard to write poems about tears, as tears in themselves have become cliche--) but I began to think practically, this is a true statement. What are tears, but a signal that something is wrong? We have something in our eye or we feel pain, physical and/or emotional.

So why is it that we try to hide our tears? Is is because we are ashamed of something? When we write a song or make a movie, do we hide them? No, because they are meant for an audience. How different would life be if we proudly displayed our tears, waving flags, blowing whistles and shouting to everyone, "Hey look! I'm crying!"?
"How stupid not to have thought of that!" --Thomas Huxley upon hearing of Darwin's theory of natural selection.


I take this short commercial break from my studies to promote my library.
note: I have not read Ulysses. Have you?


Across the Breakfast Table at I-155.

As we, in our household want to promote equal opportunity for all, Christy my 5'10" roomate always takes the low seat. (The UW camp chair) Of course, this means she has more fun as after prayer, she invariably finds her chin in her pancake.

Wanna sneak preview of Switchfoot's Nothing is Sound?


"Change depends on experiencing the character of God." --Larry Crabb


Myths. (of NO)
go to www.google.com

enter 'failure' into the search bar.

hit "im feeling lucky"

I'm sorry, but that's just WRONG.

Whatever happened to HONOR and RESPECT? I guess those aren't American values anymore.
Northwest Creativity

Here are some of the things that Northwesterners are responsible for creating:
The Happy Face (you know...Have a Nice Day)
Kwik-Lok plastic bag ties
Down Parkas
the Gas station
Hacky Sac
Slinky pull toy
Quick release ski binding
The electric guitar

Not only do we have the mountains and the sound, but we sure are a creative bunch of people!


Evil Super Powers

Usually, we want to be the super hero. But I wondered this evening, while wrapping miles of net cable, what would I be if I was an Evil Super Power.

--The Lemonater--
I would squirt lemon through my eyes at people to cause their own eyes to sting and burn, then they'd run away from me crying. I myself would be immune to citrus in the eyes.

Then I asked my two co-workers what TSG specific super power they would like and the consensus was: Jedi Mind Powers. Mark actually tried his mind tricks on our lead, (so we could go home) but failed miserably. Good try, Mark. I applaud your effort.
So, IF I was to write a poem about working at the MSCC, it would go something like this...

Here, in the small closet
I sit.

note: if you don't know what the MSCC is, don't worry about it.
Cooking Class #1

Mobile cooking....all you need is two cell phones and an egg cup to cook an egg.



There is a little metallic green martian named Whizby who shares my office with me. He's very small, so I am pretty sure most people have never noticed him. He lives inside of a "C" and doesn't make any noise, a perfect office mate. I like him a lot and would be so sad if he ever decided to leave. I wonder if Whizby has ever been anywhere else besides Building 126? I should invite him to go with me to Switzerland.


Give to The Salvation Army for Hurricane Katrina Relief
Check out Hurricane Katrina: Blog for Relief Weekend
Another great story from New Orleans...inside the Ritz...

The health care situation here has dramatically worsened overnight. Many people in the hotel are elderly and small children. Many other guests haveHave unusual diseases. They are unfortunately . 'We have better medical letter. There are ID physicians in at this hotel attending an HiV confection. We have commandered the world famous French Quarter Bar to turn into an makeshift clinic. There is a team of about 7 doctors and PA and pharmacists. We anticipate that this will be the major medical facility in the central business district and French Quarter.Our biggest adventure today was raiding the Walgreens on Canal under police escort. The pharmacy was dark and fool of water. We basically scooped the entire drug sets into gargace bags and removed them. All uner police excort. The looters had to be held back at gun point. After a dose of prophylactic Cipro I hope to be fine.In all we are faring well. We have set up a hospital in the the French Qarter bar in the hotel, and will start admitting patients today. Many with be from the hotel, but many with not. We are anticipating to dealing with multiple medical problems, medications and and acute injuries. Infection and perhaps even cholera are anticipated major problems. Food and water shortages are iminent.

Here, for the whole story
Audio Blogging from the Astrodome.
More good stuff.
Photos of the renegade bus.... They are truly amazing photographs.
A Great Story! ---And full of hope too!---
I Like President Bush.


I have been alternating between reading blogs about New Orleans and responding to my classmates in "discussion boards." I have found myself wishing that I could find people writing about hope in the midst of chaos. I KNOW there are miracle stories out there. I know that out of this, good will come, if not a reminder to all Americans just how fragile our safe and comfortable living can be. Its good to be shaken up a little, no, ALOT.

Its amazing the support and care that I do see on the blogs. People are so willing to give money and offer support.

Some interesting up to date blogging I have found:





Plans; Death Cab for Cutie. new release

...when anyone starts an album with a song about Manhattan, it's got to be good. I found it at Fred Meyer this morning for 12.99 USD.


What IS creativity?
Last night, I called my mom on my way home from the library and asked her to rate my creativity on a scale of one to ten. (I actually have an assignment at school where I have to poll people I know on MY creativity!) She of course gave me a nine, which is good as she IS my mom. When I asked her why she said it's because I grew up not having any money, so I learned to use my resources in a very creative way. That is true, I think. Then as we kept talking she said, "I've always known you are a very creative person, but I can never figure out what you are trying to say!" I started laughing so hard, tears were rolling down my face. She then said that when I was going to the thrift store to buy flannel shirts, she always wished she would have never taken me to a thrift store in the first place.

I asked this same question of my carpool cohort, Graham. He responded with a 6 or 7 because, as he put it, "You are not as creative as Finley. He can say anything and makes it sound completely true." I thought that was pretty funny too.

So far, my poll has only shown that people rate creativity differently. I wonder that other kind of responses I will get?


I found the end of the internet.


The Cost.

What is my level of obedience to Christ? That word, obedience, is not popular today. Children are not even expected to obey their parents, let alone me, a grown woman. But the Bible is clear. Obedience to Christ is a clear command. Obedience is costly. It's not easy. It's not always fun. It is not what I like. But the promise is also clear...Grace. That one thing that is free and yet at the same time costs me all. The paradox is--in obedience is complete freedom. In obedience, there is joy.

I write all this and think, does this just sound like empty religion? No! Religion and legalism do not and never lead to Grace. They lead away from it. Religion does not lead to freedom and joy, but bondage and depression. When I complain, fight, drag my feet...that's bondage. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, I want my to be "distinguished from the life of the world." I want Jesus Christ to be represented in the way and the how of my life, because I am walking in complete obedience.

I fall short. I cannot do this! It is the impossible. That is why I need, crave, desire Grace. The Grace of God.
Current Jokes in Iraq
Polls That Just Don't Make Sense:

For Migrant workers From Mexico: Do you think the immigration laws in the US are too tough?

For Children Everywhere: Do you like candy?

For Saddam Hussein: Do you think you will receive a fair trial?

For Democrats in King County, Washington State: Did Christine Gregoire win the 2004 election?

For Anti-War Demonstrators: Do you think the war in Iraq is justified?

For Folks Sitting at a Sports Bar with a Cold Beer in Hand, Waiting for the Seahawks Game to Begin: Do you think there should be a Blackout of the game when not enough tickets have sold?

---Can you think of any more?
