
Dreaming of Motorcyles.

The plan is: at age 50-ish, I'm buying a Harley. I will wear a long black Aussie coat, Leather Chaps, and Motorcyles boots. I won't dye my hair. It will be long, braided and grey. I will spend all of my free time riding the open road, philosophizing and writing poetry in the Dakotas.

C will pull up beside me at some random small town 4 way stop. She will be in a pearl white Cadillac--Long, Wide and Sleek. She'll be wearing a long white camel hair coat, white silk scarf and large gold sunglasses, very Jackie O.

I'll rev my bike at her before roaring off and leaving her in the dust.


Anonymous said...

Living the dream baby

Timothy said...

Scooter to Harley. Nice.