
The Cost.

What is my level of obedience to Christ? That word, obedience, is not popular today. Children are not even expected to obey their parents, let alone me, a grown woman. But the Bible is clear. Obedience to Christ is a clear command. Obedience is costly. It's not easy. It's not always fun. It is not what I like. But the promise is also clear...Grace. That one thing that is free and yet at the same time costs me all. The paradox is--in obedience is complete freedom. In obedience, there is joy.

I write all this and think, does this just sound like empty religion? No! Religion and legalism do not and never lead to Grace. They lead away from it. Religion does not lead to freedom and joy, but bondage and depression. When I complain, fight, drag my feet...that's bondage. As Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, I want my to be "distinguished from the life of the world." I want Jesus Christ to be represented in the way and the how of my life, because I am walking in complete obedience.

I fall short. I cannot do this! It is the impossible. That is why I need, crave, desire Grace. The Grace of God.

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