
Today I received a Christmas gift, a pair of pink legwarmers. Putting all the fashion questions aside of whether or not I should even be wearing legwarmers (they do keep me warm!), a larger issue looms. On the back of the packaging in small letters, i read: One Size Fits Most. What is that supposed to mean? I think its a tragedy. Pretty soon, the labels will read, One Size Fits Some. And then we will buy cars and chairs according to size, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and so on... When we go to the office supply store to buy a pen, the clerk will ask, "And which size would you like your pen? Small, Medium or Large?"

1 comment:

Rose said...

The same thing happened to me the other day. I was looking at a Michael Stars tee-shirt, and I noticed on the tag it said: "One Size Fits MOST"... Like if you're not cool enough, it's not going to fit you... or something.