The Continuing Saga of Marsha* and Her Vehicles
Or better known as, Where'd I Park my Car Last Night?
* names have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent.
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Marsha. She had car problems and as she had money problems concurrently, the car sat for three months in someone's yard. Finally, the money was lined up and the car was fixed. Soon after she started driving it again, Marsha noticed that there was horrible smell in the car. She thoroughly cleaned the car, washing it down, vacuuming it, even bleaching the seats and dashboard. She could not completely eradicate the smell, but it was at least borderline tolerable.
One morning, while driving to class, with her carpool--a young man named Leroy--Marsha was pulled over for speeding. At the moment that Marsha asked Leroy to pull the registration out of the glove box, the unthinkable happened.
As Leroy opened the glove box (yes, I realize that some of your smart thinkers have already jumped the gun on this one, just hold on and wait for our slower readers to catch up) a most horrific smell poured out along with all the contents of the glove box that had been recently shredded and nested in by a large rodent. The policeman immeadiately stepped a few few away from the car. "What is that godawful smell?"
Marsha was not let off the hook by the tragedy, and still had to pass her half-eaten registration over to the now Tee'd off cop. And yes, she received a ticket.
Tune in tomorrow when we find out why part of the guard rail on Highway 2 is now gold-flecked...
Funny, I also ran over a rodent named Leroy? Do you think this is a case of reincarnation?
I'm so offended that you are treating Leroy with just disrespect. He has feelings and emotions just like the rest of us. I'm a little concerned about your lack of compassion
I just want to say that yesterday when I saw a bunny on the side of the road, dead from some reckless driver, whom I named Harvey, I was devestated. And I must say, that my roomate had no compassion about Harvey,a cute furry bunny, had just been killed. I feel for Leroy and I think that something must be done to Leroy's killers. I'm going to find out where they live and picket their house.
Instead of picketing, try to deal with that heartless roomate of yours.
Hey! Leroy! You're alive! Thank God!!!!!!!!
So who disposed of the poor critter? I couldn't imagine having to touch that thing! I guess I'm a wimp when it comes to bugs and rodents.... *sighs*
I killed the bunny.
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