
Autumn is approaching...

Did anyone see the moon this morning, about 7am? He just didn't want to go to bed. He was in full view, strong and bright.

I have been taking brisk walks at lunch and noticing the leaves changing color, a few are falling to the ground already. The blackberry bushes are laden with ripe berries. The air is getting descisively colder each morning. A few thoughts roll around in my brain: my skin is getting dry, I need to have my cousin Jared fix my heater before the first frost, I need to collect more leaves and make a collage for Mirjam, when can I start wearing leg-warmers again, it's been a year since I've been home, I miss Switzerland, and time for Gluehwine (mulled wine) and raclette!

1 comment:

Timothy said...

Did you take that photo Jen? That is very nice indeed.

Autumn is always very nostalgic for me, especially the at the onset. Melancholy, thoughtful, enjoying the senses, the smells, the crisp air on a sunny day.

My favorite season.