I did something horrible today, Dr. Phil (would it be alright if I called you that?). I broke the roomate circle of trust. Which, might I add, is extremely important to my roomate, C. My roomate had a big, important, she-was-up-all-night-the-night-before-worrying-about-it event. She was in a gingerbread house making competition. I told her competition for the gingerbread house contest, what her plans were. I told him that their (her friend Veronica's also) house was actually going to be a trailer. A white trash trailer. As you can see, they named it after me, because she found out that I had, in fact, become a traitor. "Jen's Trashy Trailer House" it reads. I am currently sitting outside our apartment, with only my thoughts to keep me company, as she will not let me inside. How could I do such a thing to such an incredible roomate? She's the best roomate I have EVER had **sniff**. She's practically perfect, and here I am, a big mess-up, a complete blabber mouth.
Hopefully she will forgive this unforgivable break of roomate trust. What can I do to make it up to her? I desperately need your advice.
First off all you can start by telling the rest of your confessions. That's right, you didnt tell them how you became a double traitor! That's right everyone...I was the one she told about the roommates plans! And do you know what she did? She told her roomate my plans when she got caught. She wasn't even tortured...heck she wasn't even asked. It just seemed like the right thing to do....
I love your blog, Jen! It's so entertaining.
That toilet is outrageously radical.
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