Time Management Issues
This weekend, I found an unlikely opponent--My Time. Wherever I turned, he was there waiting to punch me in the stomach, trip me or pull my hair. (Yah, he fights dirty). Now that I think about it, he may even had spit a few spitwads in my direction and thrown in a few wet towel snaps. OUCH.
So, I am going to make some changes. First, an experiment. How much time do I waste talking on IM? I will disengage for a week and see what happens. Oh, you will see me online, but I just won't respond.
We will see in a week how my homework level stands and reassess (That's a wierdly spelled word when looking at it too long).
Way to go!
ah...good question. why have it on? well, mainly because my boss, is working from home. which brings up a good point. my boss, in just three days, will no longer be my boss. which is sad, 'cause he's probably the best boss that i have ever had. i am wearing black today.
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