
Text Poll:

What is your favorite flavor of Starburst?

Lemon -2

And the more creative types:
Kiwi Mango

And the ones who live in Atlanta, who don't read their text messages very well, and who shall remain nameless, but are moving to Seattle in January (at least that's the rumor):
Chi frap with vanilla

And the ones in foreign countries who have no clue what Starburst is:
im a little confused...

And the roomate who can't make up her mind:
I don't know and even though I am opinionated person , on these kind of questions, I just don't have an opinion.

I wish more people would have responded to this poll, so if you didn't and would like your vote to be counted, leave a comment.

PS: My favorite is Orange, but I didn't count my vote as I couldn't send a text to myself... The reason it is orange is completely arbitrary. When I was about 13, my cousin Roxann and I decided to find out which was the best Skittles flavor, so we played this game called Stadium Marbles with skittles instead of marbles. Well, orange won it, so we made a pact that orange was the best flavor no matter the type of candy.


Timothy said...

Strawberry for me. All the way. This flavor doesn't hold true as my favorite for every candy, but definitely for Starbursts. The pink wrapper.

Anonymous said...

It's a toss up between lemon and orange. When it's a hot day, your thirsty, and on a long road trip--lemon rules.

Orange is good, but only after eating something and drinking tea. And it must be herbal tea. Green tea requires lemon again.

Strawberry should be banned or fused with cherry since they taste pretty much the same.

justin said...

Pink or Red. I don't know any candy that could truly be considered "strawberry" or "cherry." Just taste either of those berries and then try the candy. No similarity whatsoever.

justin said...

P.S. I thought you said Starbucks at first glance, too. In that case, definitely not anything close to pink or red OR strawcherry.

Timothy said...

Red and pink do NOT taste the same. At all. Dang it.

Unknown said...

It has to be orange. The fact that I am wearing an orange shirt right now proves as confirmation. Yes orange.

Sabrina said...

I would have to say that I like the fake strawbery (pink)one. I remember as a child eating all the other colors first and saving my favorite pink for last. And if anyone wanted one I would not give them the pink one.

Timothy said...


Timothy said...


Anonymous said...
