
With six days of vacation, I have this feeling of TIME. I have little homework. (That is completely relative, however...but we are talking feelings here...) I have days and days at my parents new house on Camano Island stretching out before me... (and 4 of them are paid). Premium.

What will I do with all this luxurious time?

Eating (hopefully not too much or else my already too tight jeans won't fit and I dont have a hundred bucks for another pair of Lucky's).

Sleeping (In the large big four poster bed, well until my brother and his wife come to kick me out on the couch. Hey! I should make them sleep on the couch...they like to cuddle).

Exploring (Hopefully, this time I will take a map. Last time I was on Camano, I got lost and I thought...Hey this is an island, I will just eventually end up on the other side...well, not exactly. I did go in a circle, but somehow only stayed on the opposite side of the island than where my parents live. Not a very efficient roadway system, if you ask me) (Also, exploring will give me the ability to eat more...).

And perhaps doing a little homework (trust me, as little as possible).

And as I saw on the Splash and Dash Car Wash sign today...."Life is either an Adventure or Nothing."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No one else commented so I felt I should step up. So...like stuff? Me too. Happy Thanksgiving, yay for paid vacation, and carpe diem!
End transmission.