
You know, it kind of feels good when people that I am close to make such an impact in a community that there is a backlash. I mean, when someone goes to all the trouble to make a website attacking what we hold dear, it makes me think that we are doing something right.


Timothy said...

Holy cow! That is really funny. I like the part where he's like "just who are Dennis and Linda Trout?" and then pastes their title as pastors at CCK, helping and discipling people. LOL, like this is a terrible thing. Wow. Looks like he has us all figured out. He even linked one of Pastor Norm's sermons.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...it's interesting isn't it. This persons blind prejudice aside, I wonder if fundametalism, violence and religion of the kind seen in the far east requires a greater sensitivity to peoples perceptions of Christians. Talking in the language of war could be easily misconstrued...