
New Balance

I have always been a little negative about New Balance shoes. I suppose that this is because I associate them with the 80s, and the Nerds who would wear them with highwater peg legged jeans. (VELCRO!) Lately, I have had some pressure to think otherwise. It may or may not be the influence of my co-workers, many of whom are proud to be called a Nerd. But, the real test came when I went to the mall today and tried on a pair. Goodbye Nike! Hello New Balance. My feet will never be the same.

*PLUS! I found a stellar pair. (Hows that for an 80s word?)


Cucumber and Tomato Sandwiches

Two Slices of Bread, toasted and lightly buttered.

Spread Cream Cheese on the Toast.

Lay slices of Cucumber and Tomato on one Slice of Toast.

Add a Leaf of Lettuce if you want.

Place the Top Slice of Toast on top to make a Sandwich.



Shopping Spree

Sometimes it seems like everything happens at once, the good and the bad. I wish that life's circumstances would be strung out a little, maybe like a little advent calendar. Each day a new envelope to open and see what might be inside. But no, its more like a shopping spree where you've got 15 minutes to pile as much junk in the shopping cart before time runs out, with everyone running around like chickens.


at Ben and Jerry's
April 25, 2006.

Stop by your local B & J for some.

I will have visted twice by the end of today!


Favorite Barista

Who's your favorite barista? I have had many favorites, but my current favorite works at the Starbucks at the Redmond QFC near the Bella Bottega Cinema.
Simply because he takes my order like a radio sportscaster personality.


I dare say...

that without the help of a certain "mr. google," no one shall get this one, unless they had some morbid and odd reading habits as a child... (however, I will say that this is one of the best children's stories that I know).

"At this time, an elderly Fly said it was the hour for the Evening-song to be sung; and on a signal being given all the Blue-Bottle-Flies began to buzz at once in a sumptuous and sonorous manner, the melodious and mucilanginous sounds echoing all over the waters, and resounding across the tumultuous tops of the tranisitory Titmice upon the intervening and verdant mountains, with a serene and sickly suavity only known to the truly virtuous."

*I should note that on the earlier postings of this little game, Mr Fin won the first round and Mr. Gus won the second. Kudos, gentlemen, and thanks for playing.*


The postin's getting thin, I know. And you probably think... "And she complains when other people aren't blogging..."


Yes. You are correct. True. Right. You win!


Bad Day or Good Day? You vote!

My car overheated in downtown seattle, with a car full of people, in traffic, already late for dinner, and then trekking halfway across town to the restaurant after pushing the car into a parking spot.
BUT I ate a great burger and had a glass of Maerzen beer at Gordon Biersch, saw Stomp with 13 super swell friends, spent half the show alternating between stars in my eyes (ohhhh and ahhhhh!) and tears streaming down my face (laughing), and maneuvered my way into getting a TTA (triple tall americano) at the Bauhaus on the way home.



When stress overtakes you and beats you over the head with a meat cleaver, it is always nice to be cheered up. Especially when you receive a small present such as a red star stamp, with Orbit gum taped to it and a flashlight usb thingy in case the lights happen to go out when trying to chew the gum and use the red star stamp.

By the way, if you come by my desk, I may or may not give you a red star.


I will say no more.



Could everyone join in with me and encourge a certain Mr. Timothy Davis to continue to grow his hair out into a combover?

head to http://timothydavis.blogspot.com/ and leave a comment for him!

Thanks so much for your help in this matter.


Try this one:

"We both like Weather. Not this or that kind of Weather, but just Weather."

Name the author and title. And, if you are so inclined, tell me why you think I chose it.

(as before, cheating allowed. but name the source)
What NOT to do on a Monday morning...

When you are getting out of your car to get a nice cup of joe at the local coffee shop, do not toss your keys in your purse that sits on your passenger seat, hit the automatic locks and then shut the door of your car.

I repeat, DO NOT DO THIS.

...just in case you were considering it.


A Near Perfect Day

...consists of...

a saturday
waking up at 6:47 am
lying in bed until 8:00 am
with a cup of tea, a journal and a Bible
sorting laundry into 4 piles on the bedroom floor
changing sheets on the bed
and airing out the room
with the fresh air
from the rainy day outside
bleaching the tub, toilet and counters
taking out the garbage
cleaning out old clothes from the closet
showering at 11:30
an americano and whole wheat marionberry scone at the honey bear bakery
selling books for 9.75 and 11.90 in trade
finding some treasures:
a book about C.S Lewis' library, a new Italian author translated into English,
a well-worn hardback biography of Madame Guyon, Thomas a Kempis,
and East of Eden by Steinbeck.
Trading in some clothes at Buffalo Exchange for 21.50
and finding a shirt and pair of shoes there for 21. 32
wandering through the stacks at the UW Suzallo Allen Library
holding call numbers and trying to find those
elusive books
walking the u district in the rain
eating pesto feta cheese pizza at
Pizza Brava
and seeing a poster for the 2006 Seattle Cheese Festival
and hearing "Creep" on the radio
praying with a bunch of radical people
ending the night at Kahili with laptop, books
another americano
and a friend.


Traffic Jam

*Disclaimer* this post has the potential to be a little intense and self-reflective. you may want to stop reading at this point.

There are times in life, when there are intersections in relationships. Of course, the whole journey and path metaphor is competely cliche, and here I am falling into the trap. But also, I am picturing this metaphor as a intersection complete with a traffic jam. Sometimes while waiting at a stop light in life, I look around and see the people around me, maybe notice something unusual, wave exchange nods.

Now let's say there is a real tangle and the waiting takes a long while. People begin to get out of their cars, start chatting and even share their Pringles or Oreo cookies with each other. At that point in time, there are no other people in the world except those people stuck with me in the mess o' traffic. The common experience of being forced to wait is so strong, it becomes a kind of unwritten contract.

But Then! All of a sudden traffic is moving, everyone jumps in their cars, start up their engines and drive away. No time to even say goodbye.

For me, this is how I feel life is at the moment. Its not a horrible thing, as who knows whom I will meet at the next red light or stop sign. And of course, it is not a perfect metaphor--I am sure the comment line will be full of people poking holes in it--but I think it conveys a feeling, that I know is real right now.

I wish things could always stay the same. But I guess that I wouldn't be living life now would I?



I am an INFP.
Introverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.
other INFP's are:
Shakespeare, A.A. Milne and Calvin (of calvin and hobbes)

On website called this personality: Intuitive Healer.

INFPs never seem to lose their sense of wonder. One might say they see life through rose-colored glasses. It's as though they live at the edge of a looking-glass world where mundane objects come to life, where flora and fauna take on near-human qualities.

I like that!


Guess Who Wrote...

"But she did not hear him for the beating of her heart."

Who wrote it and name the work it is from. Cheating is allowed, but if you must, name your source or it won't be counted as a proper answer.



I am addicted to a new game. GROW. However, I think that more than the fact that it is some fascinating game, the REAL reason I am addicted is because a certain co-worker of mine told me that I would not be able to beat it. HA! I am not one to shrink from a challenge...

I also suspect that I am really truly competitive by nature....
Below are some of my thoughts on this topic.

It may look like I am having a convo with myself, but I am not. I removed the other person as to protect secret identities. I have some top secret friends who would be removed from this earth if anyone found out that I was talking to them.

jennifer joy says:
you know what i have realized about myself recently?
jennifer joy says:
i have a competitive nature
jennifer joy says:
i always thought i wasnt
jennifer joy says:
but if someone says....jen you cant do that. or jen you are wrong
jennifer joy says:
i want to prove them wrong
jennifer joy says:
even if i know i cant beat them at it
jennifer joy says:
i just want to show that i can do it too
jennifer joy says:
that's my deep thought for the day.