I have heard that many people do not enjoy the holidays because of relatives. I suppose that at times, I could admit that same thing. This year, I have been thinking about my family, both immeadiate and extended, and realize that I am a pretty lucky girl.
When I think about my family, parents, brother and wife, aunts and uncles, cousins and all the little second cousins, I feel very blessed. They are really an amazing group of people. I can't think of one of them that I do not like. If I was not related to them, I think that I would try very hard to know them somehow, or I'd try to be related to them.
I guess I should give the credit to my grandparents, who are both now in heaven. They had 5 children, on my mom's side, who then in turn, had 13 children and who in turn have had 28 plus 2 on the way and who knows how many more to come! This number does not include spouses and others who are cousins through marriage.
...and all of them are beautiful, amazing, fun, wonderful people!
There is a perfect verse in the Bible that I think describes my family
Psalms 78:4
We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.
I love the generational vision that my family has and I wonder just how large this family is going to get?
"For Glory means good report with God, acceptance by God, response, acknowledgement, and welcome into the heart of things. The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last."
--C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory
Seeing the door opening, after a long time of knocking, is almost unbelievable, but it it opening.
I interviewed with a company today, that will remain nameless, but I am curious as to whether they did a search for me on the internet. I sure hope they did, because I don't know if I'd want the job unless they had done their homework.
Hiring managers should definately "google" or as some might be pressured into saying "windows live" potential employees.
I will say that I didn't feel too nervous while I was interviewing, until the last interview. And I am not sure why. Maybe because I felt like this guy would actually be someone that I would work with on a daily basis while all the other people weren't.
And I am not sure if I want the job yet either, but I want to see what kind of offer I get...that is, if I get one at all.
And I found that I sweat a lot in interviews. Good thing I wore a jacket.
With the recent Seattle Deluge, I ended up with some minor flooding in my basement that got my rugs and records wet. Also, a section where a bunch of boards and doors was affected. Today, my dad and I sopped up the water and moved the boards out of the way. The question was how to get the rugs dry. Since they are small area rugs, we just tacked them to the rafters and put fans on them. Simple enough.
We are still not sure where the leak came from, but the theory is that the water table level rose and the water came in from cracks in the walls. Ugh. We might have to dig a big trench under my porch for a drain. Not a fun project.
Sometimes I wonder if being a homeowner is worth it.
I flew to Switzerland on Thursday, arrived on Friday and flew home last night.
Perhaps you think this is crazy, but here are several reasons that I thought it made it worth it:
1. Surprising the pants, and sometimes the socks and shoes too, off of friends.
2. Loading up on Chocolate, esp the kind with a "kick."
3. Getting Status on Alaska Airlines
4. Catching up on all the movies I missed in the theatre
5. Adventure
I'm definately a proponent of technological devices, but I hadn't actually gone as far as getting one myself...
until this weekend!
I am now a proud owner of a T-mobile Shadow with Windows Mobile.
Now I'll be even more addicted to email...
In his discussion of "The Golden Compass" ( a movie based on a book by Phillip Pullman), Jeffrey Overstreet makes this comment:
"Christians have become so suspicious of fairy tales, fantasy, and
imagination that we have created an environment in which it is very unlikely
that we will see another imagination like Tolkien and Lewis emerge."
...which, if this is true, makes me very very sad, because if this is true, then the recent death of Madeliene L'Engle means that there are very few good storytellers out there with a Christian worldview.
Who wants to prove this statement wrong?
I do, for one.
...and I think Overstreet is also out to prove himself wrong.
1. wake up
2. bake bread and turkey in oven
3. go to my brother's in-in laws' house
4. eat a little turkey and stuffing
5. eat pumpkin pie
6. watch football
7. eat pumkin pie
8. sleep
9. eat pumpkin pie
10. eat turkey sandwiches
11. play games with relatives
12. eat pumpkin pie
13. eat pumpkin pie
1. Blendie - a blender that runs when you Growl at it.
2. Cake Generator- for when you want to bake a cake for someone - virtually.
3. Chalkboard Vase- for writing messages when you give flowers.
4. Good Rules to Follow when Travelling to Foreign Countries.

4. Why is it that we just carve pumpkins at halloween? I want year 'round carvings! demand!
vision, direction, purpose is all very important, but without relationships, people, belonging, love...it seems pretty pointless.
yet, when someone or someones get too close, often that's when the defenses come up, in whatever your form of your favorite metaphor that may be: a wall, thorns, monster trucks..
we want (i want) to belong and yet, we isolate (i isolate) ourselves (myself). odd. yes, we are odd creatures. very odd indeed.
1. English Oxford Dictionary
2. The Holy Bible
3. Shakespeare's Complete Works
4. Wilderness Survival Book
5. Calculus Book
6. Grimm's Fairy Tales
7. "The Waste Land" by T.S Eliot
8. The Lord of the Rings by Tolkein
9. Joy of Cooking
10. Astronomy Book
What are your ten desert island books?
I pulled out a bunch of my old books from my last few years in grad school because I am working on writing a paper which is on movies and how young people choose which movies they watch. It's interesting to see just how many books I have accumulated on film, cinema and movies.
Sometimes it feels like film critique, theory and etc has almost become a bigger deal than the study of literature. In so many ways, films have replaced novels as our main form of storytelling in our current American culture.
How do you choose which films you watch? Do you go by the previews? Or perhaps by the recommendations of friends? Do you read reviews? Online or in newspapers? Or maybe you just head to the theatre and pick one to watch?
I have a friend who loves previews. She gets so exctied during the previews and usually this becomes her starting place for movie choices. I am a little more skeptical about previews as I tend to see them as marketing schemes tricking me into seeing films that I would not normally even consider.
How do you react to movie trailers and teasers?
Also known as voting day.
However, for me one event overshadowed all others. The release of the xbox 360 game "Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga."
I will add that I found myself addicted to Lego Star Wars last March. So much so that I went out and bought myself a 360 console.
And to this day, other than a few arcade games, my video game library consists now of TWO Lego Star Wars games and one Halo 2. (yah, I am not so good at Halo, so I am not sure if I will ever get around to purchasing Halo 3)
I hear that there is a Lego Batman game in the works...
...consists of friends, a cozy crackling fire, homeade soup and bread, poetry and stories. And that is what just occured at my house.
For those who did not make it, you missed the ever famous Jessica Bradford reading the recipe "Mustard-Glazed Meatloaf Special." Other highlights included readings of Poe, Tolkien, Billy Collins and a Rap song.
...ah, the beauty of the spoken word.
I have a bad habit of leaving things in my pocket when I do my laundry. I am amazed sometimes at the things I find. Money is often the number one find, more than I thought I had. Tonight I found my winnings from the latest challenge at work. I also often find my chapstick, which shockingly, often survives. I suppose that is because I usually wash cold. Lists, movie stubs and tissue do not fare as well, though some movie stubs do ok. Pens=disaster. I think that perhaps I should learn to check pockets before I get married and have kids. I wouldn't want to wash some of the things I carried in my pockets when I was a kid: frogs, Jello packets, rocks, and notes from friends.
Probably not so good on the washer.
So, we had this windstorm in Seattle last weekend...
And at first I was nervous because last year all my fences blew down. But the day after the storm, I looked out the window and my yard looked clear! I was so happy! I told everyone and went on my merry way.
Oh but little did I know...
Tonight, I had to go out on my back porch. When I opened the door, I found a tree trunk in my face. My Asian Pear tree had fallen onto the house.
so sad.
The good news is that nothing got broken. The trunk hit inches from the door, the light was untouched. A small portion of the railing on my deck is broken, but from what I can tell, my roof is fine. It just looks like the tree is leaning against the roof.
I guess this means that we will have cracklin Asian Pear tree fires this winter.

I like getting dirty. This is a little secret of mine. I love being dirty. It is one of my favorite things. I even like getting into fresh clean sheets with dirty feet. I love the smell of dirt, mud, sweat and slime. It reminds me of being a kid and looking for tadpoles in the small ponds around my house, climbing the tallest most pitch filled evergreen I could find in my dress, and riding my bike for hours, rain or shine.
Whenever I have children, I will let them get dirty. I won't shelter them from the pleasures of jumping in mud puddles. I won't try to keep their noses clean. I will probably join them out on the mud field playing soccer or football.
I like being dirty. Is this a crime?


Place of Retreat
Do you have a place where you can go when life gets a little too out of control?
A few years ago, my parents sold their home in Bothell, a suburb of Seattle, and bought a little 1920's beach cottage on Camano Island.
It is very quiet there.
The beach is always there, waiting for visitors to come pick up its shells.
No matter the weather, it's always a good place to be.

As I have been taking more digital pictures than film, I hadn't really developed any of my film for a while. I had 4 rolls that have spanned about a year's time, so I figured I should get them developed. I had taken a lot when I was in Cape Cod in May because my digital SLR had just been stolen, so in a way, was forced to use my 35mm Vivitar.
I love how film just has so much depth, especially this one which I have entitled, "Hydrate." I posted a few more on Flickr.
"For what shall we do when we wake one day to find we have lost touch with our heart and with it the very refuge where God's Presence resides?" _The Sacred Romance_ --Curtis and Eldredge
"The problem of pain has remained the single greatest question, not only for the skeptic who uses it as an excuse to doubt God's existence, but also for the believer who questions God's purpose." _The Grand Weaver_ --Ravi Zacharias
I work for a technical support group that does tech support for a very LARGE software company at many of their conferences and shows. We take the gear in, set it up, support it, then tear it down, so that our client can get more important things done, like market their product to their customers.
This week, I am working at a show where I keep expecting the back alley fight scene in anchorman to erupt. My company's competitors are also working at this show and there is this unsaid ranking system, where we are all vying for the number one slot.
I hope I get to throw the Trident.
What, if anything, am I leaving behind? Am I just drifitng through life, a wanderer, with no destination? There is nothing with wandering, just as long as there is a destination, a place to end. As Bilbo Baggins wrote about Strider, "Not all who wander are lost." At the end, what will be left of my life, my few years here on earth?
Sometimes, I wonder what would happen to my blog if I all of a sudden died or went into a coma. How long would my words stay frozen here on the internet. Would Blogger turn off my account after a certain time? Or would my blog just stay up indefinately?
On another note, I really like sitting in front of my fire, the wood crackling nicely, with Sigur Ros playing in the background. Even though my house will smell like a campfire afterwards. (The wood is still a bit damp).
Tonight, I went to a book signing at Third Place Books by Jeffrey Overstreet for his new fantasy novel, Auralia's Colors. I have been reading his blog since the spring, and have enjoyed his perspective on film, music and writing. Even though we went to the same high school, I didn't really know him, so it was interesting to meet him in person. I always wonder if someone is the same in real life as they are on the internet, and he does seem to be the same person. I think he is doing, actually living out what many of us have been talking about wanting to do which is: adding to the conversation in our culture through writing, bringing meaning and beauty. Thank you Jeffrey for an enjoyable evening.
Oh, and I love Auralia's Colors and highly recommend it!
And, one more thing... I saw my Senior year English teacher Mr. D. at the book signing. I said hello, but realized that 15 years later, I am still tongue tied when trying to talk to him! I felt like I was still 17!! I wanted to thank him for teaching me how to write a good essay. I don't think I could have gotten the grades I did in college with out that skill. He also opened my eyes to some good poetry (red wheelbarrow) and fiction.
record of travels
I've decided that I need to keep better track of all the cities that I travel to. Yesterday, I bought my first of many City Moleskines--San Francisco.
I am going to SF the second week in October. It's one of my favorite West Coast cities.
Here's hoping that soon I will buy a Moleskine for these cities:
New York, Boston, Berlin... and maybe Barcelona??
i| you| he| she| we| they|
an interesting social website, taking questions plugged into Yahoo! Answers and filtering them by pronoun.
(thx to swissmiss)
Ever since I bought my house, moles have been aerating my lawn. Interestingly, I did not notice this when I was looking at the house to buy, but only after I moved in. Now there are so many bare spots from where the moles have dug their little holes, that I have decided that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.
First try at ridding my yard of these pesky beings is to get rid of their favorite snacks-- all the insect that live in my grass. I mowed the lawn, then spread insect killer on the lawn and then watered it. Hopefully then the moles will move on to another lawn looking for a tasty treat. If this technique does not work, then several others are lined up including Mole Bombs (which will poison them and is not so humane), and possibly a even more drastic method involving kerosene and small explosions. Hopefully they will read this blog and realize that leaving right now will be a very good idea.

Logger's Playday
Last Saturday, I drove down to Gray's Harbor to experience a little culture. Hoquiam, Washington celebrates the wonderful world of Logging every year with Logger's Playday. Here are some things I found that are a must:
1. Wear your Carhartt Jeans and Suspenders.
2. Make sure you know or are related to at least half of the people in the parade.
3. Bring a large Appetite.
4. Be prepared for some great people watching.
The schedule for the day included:
1. Pancake Breakfast
2. Parade with at least 100 various different kinds of Trucks. (Logging trucks, Semi-Trucks, Dump Trucks)
3. Salmon Dinner
4. Listening to stories of what it was like to work in the Logging Camps in the 50s.
5. The Logging Show, complete with shimmying up 90 ft tree poles, Hot Saw exhibit, Log rolling, etc, etc...
the bell tolls for thee...
I just found out that Madeleine L'Engle passed away yesterday. Read Here. I feel like crying. L'Engle was one of my favorite authors, right up there with Lewis and Tolkien. I have read most of her books, but all of a sudden I want to get my hands on all of them, in case they become extremely hard to find. I would say that her best book is A Wrinkle in Time, not only for children, but also for adults. If you have not read it, might I suggest that you run out to the closest Barnes and Noble and get yourself a copy? Her Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art has been one of the greatest influences on my creativity as a Christian artist and writer. I will greatly miss her, even though I have never met her. I look forward to having a cup of coffee with her in heaven and discussing philosophy and writing.
Overstreet over at Looking Closer has this to say about L'Engle.
Auralia's Colors
I am looking forward to receiving my copy of Auralia's Colors. I went to the same high school as the author, Jeffrey Overstreet, and so am expecting great things from this novel. The first chapter was thoroughly enjoyable and so I can't wait until the mailman brings me my package from Amazon.
Don't worry, Jeff did not ask me to put this shameless plug in my blog as I haven't seen him since we graduated, but I figured I will do what I can for the PCHS class of '92!
Are these some signs of becoming a Nerd?
- Toys in my cubicle include: Batman Legos and Starwars Legos magnets.
- A tendency to rebuild my laptop every three months.
- Owning a gaming console (Xbox 360).
- Understanding and using acronyms.
- Main form of communication is either email, instant message or text messaging.
- Spending a min of 8 hours a day on a computer.
- An obsession with email threads.
1. Don't go to a Korean restaurant without someone who knows how to order from the menu.
2. Don't order anything with the description of: clear noodle
3. Forks must be requested
4. Watch the people around you at other tables to figure out how to even eat the food
5. Just order BBQ pork.
I have been accused by my roommate of being ungrateful for her help in making a cup of tea for me, because I once told her that the tea she had just made me was undrinkable. And I poured it out in the sink and then proceeded to make another cup.
This point comes up often in our relationship, but I guess it's good to have that one point of contention. She won't let me now make her a cup of coffee, more out of principle, I think than my lack of ability, as I do feel I make a pretty good cup of Joe.
But onto the main point.
To make a cup of perfect tea:
1. pour cold water into a tea kettle and begin to heat.
2. set out tea cup ( a tea cup is better than a mug, but a mug will also do).
3. Pull out a Tetley tea bag, but do not place in cup yet.
4. When water is boiling, pour a small amount into the bottom of the tea cup and swirl around (this warms the cup to welcome the tea).
5. pour out the water.
6. put tea bag in the cup and pour BOILING water over until about and inch from the top of the cup (BOILING).
7. let sit for about 2-3 minutes (with Tetley, I think 2 minutes is best). Do not stir, strain or move the teabag around. Just let it steep.
8. Take out tea bag.
9. Put in one teaspoon sugar (optional).
10. pour in a small amount of milk (the best is 1%) so that the color of the tea is a brown color. Not too dark and not too light, kind of a beige color. Not taupe, but beige.
11. drink and enjoy!
i was looking on my external hard drive for something and came across some poems i wrote in college, so i thought i'd post a series of them for your perusal.
Poem 1: Machine Wash Cold
Detergent smell—little, gritty, large-as-ocean color—
creeps up from behind, smothering me with white cotton and brown corduroy.
To eradicate the smell: box the clothes,
toss them in a river—Mississippi, Ganges, Nile—
and sit on the porch of a Connecticut farm,
drink soda in a green glass,
wait for the box to return, dirty, sodden and smelling sweet.
I can’t make you live in China between straw hats and rice fields,
even cart you off in a box with no return address,
so I’ll picture you, your shoes’ shine, your large hands.
I’ll tear you in pieces, stuff each piece in a blue bottle, cork it,
throw it by the neck into the Columbia River.
Poem 2: Beside a Shallow Grave
Dark, sweet, low it beats,
underneath. Dirt echoes on wood.
Hands grasp stem and thorn
next to hollow chest.
Over gravestones, bright and shinning,
Over tombs’ ancient bones,
Dust falls.
Drown again, and again
Drown. Under countless waves,
Under the path of the moon,
a slow tide washes
out the remains.
To walk is to lack a place.
—Michael DeCerteau
Mixing the change from my coffee
with my bus fare,
I stand under my umbrella
trying to keep leather boots dry.
Yarn attached to ankles of people
streaming out of tall buildings,
turns downtown streets
into wrapped parcels
waiting to be postmarked.
The street is a river, full
of ferryboats, and shoes
are life preservers.
I am a pedestrian; I carry my place
around with me,
a mother and child.
The late 5:03 pulls up.
While boarding, I drop
my city map
33 years. Church tradition tells me that this is when Christ died on the cross, the completion of his ministry on earth. Birth, Death, Resurrection.
Makes me think, have I completed anything? In so many ways, it feels like life is just starting for me. I have done a lot in some sense: traveled all over the world, completed a lot of years of school, lived in lots of different places, with lots of different people, worked a variety of jobs, and met some real and tangible goals.
Then there are the things I haven't done such as: gotten married, had children, visited Kenya, Ireland, Prague, South Africa, written a book, won the Pulitzer Prize, flown to the moon and back.
I got a birthday card this year that says "barn's burnt down; now i can see the moon"
It is about vision, about what I see.
A good friend just encouraged me recently to allow God to dig out that big large rock in my life called disappointment, or "hope deferred." Where is that balance between complacency and contentment? I believe this is the time in my life, my 33 years of life, when I can come to that place where He is enough. I don't need a person, a job, a vacation, an adventure, a book or anything else to satisfy that "thing." I don't know what else to call it except that aching gnawing "thing" inside me that craves more and more and more. But it takes me seeking Him, truly with all my heart.
"It is by loving, and not by being loved, that one can come nearest to the soul of another" --George MacDonald
The first commandment...

Anyone who has traveled to Europe has probably shopped at H&M. And gotten addicted to its cheap, but extremely fashionable clothes.
Soon, we will be able to shop to our heart's content at our very own H&M right here in Seattle, location University Village.
For those worried that this will ruin their unique wardrobe from all their travels to other places collecting various H&M pieces, a few thoughts...
1. H&M is probably the most popular clothing store in Europe and so think about all those thousands of European women, men and children who are wearing the same exact outfit that you have on today.
2. The new store at U Village will be TWO LEVELS. This allows us to continue in the H&M tradition of shopping by color and a myriad of choices. MYRIAD.
3. Because they manufacture cheaply, this allows H&M to continually rotate their fashions, as I can attest to as everytime I visited the shop in Switzerland--almost weekly--there were new things to choose from
4. And what's wrong with wearing the same thing as someone else? It just shows that both of you have good taste.
1. Travel (i just got home and i am already planning my next trip, as soon as i get some more vaca.)
2. Caffeine (in coffee, tea, chocolate or diet coke form please)
3. Reading (books, magazines, websites, billboards, etc)
4. The Internet (which includes the world wide web)
Why does it always seem like things get messier as I clean them? For instance, my room. I have been trying to organize these random boxes of stuff, papers and more stuff, along with drawers full of more stuff for about the past week. I have two large boxes of trash, one for recycle and one for garbage, but my room just keeps getting messier and messier. Currently, I am having a hard time getting dressed and also accomplishing daily tasks because I cannot find anything in the black hole which has become my room. It just depresses me to think about it.
Where is my external hard drive? My cream colored earrings? My calendar? What bills need to be paid? All these are questions that I just don't have the answer to at the moment. And if I think too hard about them, I just want to cry or throw things.
It is time to attack this thing head on, so I have decided to head to The Container Store in Bellevue and collect various boxes and storage solutions to help me bring a little order to my life.
I have now been a home owner for over a year. One one hand that is absolutely amazing, but on the other, a little scary as there are so many projects that still need to be done. The reason for my delinquency could be the fact that I was finishing up grad school, that I traveled extensively (Charlottesville, New York City, Scotland, Las Vegas, Virginia Beach, Cape Cod, San Antonio, Orlando and Denver) or just plain procrastination.
Okay, it's probably all of those.
However, despite feeling very overwhelmed with all the home improvements to be done plus all the need for organization after a year of accumulating stuff, I do feel a bug to project-ize and organize.
Tonight, I started with the fridge.
First Class by David Wagoner
A play about Theodore Roethke, famous poet and UW prof playing at the ACT theatre. David Wagoner wrote this play about his poetry teacher, and David Wagoner was my poetry teacher. I think I need to go see it.
Zig Zag Cafe
Apparently very famous because of their bartender Murray Stenson. I didn't get Murray as my bartender, but the gentleman took my drink order (Maiden's Blush--a recommended drink from my coworker Myles) with no problem, even though later he informed me that it was a very obscure drink from the Savoy Hotel in the 30's. It was tasty.
every workplace has drama. it's not much different than high school in some ways. i think we all think that when we finish school and leave adolescence behind, that the drama will end and we can finally grow up. well, this idea does not take into consideration this little thing called human nature.
lately, there has been an incredible amount of drama at my work. there is usually always a high level of it, but recently it's mushroomed out of control. completely out of control. most of it doesn't really have much to do with me, some of it does, but it all is totally out of my hands.
i am the kind of person that wants everything to work out and everybody to get a long. i think this time, i need to face the reality that i can't fix this. i can't fix people and i can't fix life. that's not my job.
it is times like this when i am grateful for things like hope and grace. without these i think i'd pretty much just shrivel up and fall into some sort of vortex of depression.
but, when i think back on my life and remember other times when the drama of life seemed to overwhelm me, seemed to be like that bell jar that has no exit--yet, hope still found a way to grow and grace brought change, then i know that this time will be no different.
He is faithful. He is good. And no matter what we do, He is who He is.
thank God.
Is there such a thing? I usually would say no, no never. However, yesterday after shifting a bunch of things around in the house to make room for two more roomates, and seeing the piles of books on my floor, making it near impossible to nagivate through my room, I began to wonder if I just might have too many. I don't want to put them in boxes, hidden away. I don't want to sell them. I want to keep them and keep them in plain sight. I really need a library, but at the moment rent money looks more attractive than me having a room for my books, so I guess in piles they will stay.
Coming soon: (and I wait impatiently...)
Isaiah David Staab
The Next Trip to Starbucks to use One of my Gift Cards
Finding out who the New Gummi Bear will Be
The Release of the New Lawhead
instant message
reading blogs of people i don't know, but hope to meet someday
friends who pass on tidbits about music i need to check out
a basement remodel for under a hundred bucks
quiet days at the office
fat paychecks
waiting to meet my nephew
starbucks gift cards
two new roomates soon to arrive
I know that for me, one of my favorite parts of having a birthday is all the phone calls I get. It makes me feel so loved and popular when my friends and family call me and sing silly renditions of happy birthday.
Yesterday was my birthday.
And I got lots of phone calls.
I was stuck in rehearsals all day for a BABO (big ass breakout) at WPC in Denver doing backstage technical support--Low lights, headsets, producer calling the show, etc... So, I couldn't answer my phone even though I knew that people were calling ME!
Thank God for voice mail. And thank you to everyone who left me messages yesterday and yes, I forgive you if you didn't call me. I'm sure you had a very good reason. I wouldn't have answered anyway.
1. aveda hair products
2. bliss fabulous foaming face wash
3. book: Annie Dillard, The Maytrees
4. AE boyfriend 77 jean
5. book: Chrisopher Paolini, Eldest

this week i realized an odd coincidence. three of my favorite bloggers are named joshua. of course i don't really know much about them, except one married my good friend mandy, one lives in NYC, and one is a nomad who will live in seattle for a time.
well, so what's the coincidence? not only are they interesting bloggers and are all named joshua, but at the same time... they all posted about their birthdays within 3 days of each other, like one right after the other.
i dont know why i think that is interesting. am i just shallow? or maybe im not so interesting myself so i feel like i have to latch on to internet personalities. or maybe i just want to go home for the day.
but anyway, here's a little advertisement for their blogs.
Letter From Abroad
The Very Daily Weblog of Joshua Blakenship
love in the key of longbrake
1. tonight: golden gardens bbq, unless it rains, then RR on the pier.
2. friday: my birthday bbq
3. sunday: sister in law's b-day at the century ballroom
4. monday: sister in law's baby shower at my house
5. 4th of july: coors field, suites, free everything.
it hasnt even started and i'm already tired!
5. The Viking Diet
4. Confession
3. Advice Desperately Needed
2. Can I just vent a little?
1. The Continuing Saga of Marsha* and Her Vehicles
Several things to note.
War Time Presidents seem to have extremes between the beginning and end of their terms. Look at Truman and Bush. In fact, with the exception of Nixon, the war time presidents have the highest approval ratings... Truman and the Bushes.
Clinton is the only one to end with a higher approval rating, but he really never got that high, seems to me he stayed in that mediocre range.
GW Bush got higher approval ratings than Kennedy. I always thought Kennedy was the most popular President.
There are two states in life. Either a person is happy with the grass in their yard, or the grass is greener in the neighbor's yard. At the moment, I have a large tree in my back yard, all cut up into pieces. It's pretty much going to be impossible to do anything back there until it is removed. I don't really care about my neighbor's grass, but it would be nice if I could enjoy the grass that I have. However, I do like my grass, even though I can't see it currently and I have moles and dandelions. I like it because it's MY GRASS.
I feel fairly content with my life, but what makes life hard sometimes is when people around me are discontent. Then I look at what I have and think, is something wrong with me? Shouldn't I feel miserable like that person?
I have spent the past few days cooking to a nice melted mush in a large expo hall at the OCCC in Orlando. Let me try to describe the feeling of being cooped up in a huge hall with no AC in hot, humid Florida.
First, all you smell is stale BO and electricity (yes, electricity has a smell, especially when you have about 1,500 or more computers running). Then from 7:30 am to 9 or 10 at night, you feel like someone poured syrup all over you and then wouldn't let you take a bath. Lastly, everything you do, must be done twice or even three times. Fresh air? What's that?
That's pretty much it.
And its been really hard to keep up with the 40 day fast that I wanted to join in on. REALLY HARD. Ah well, at least I get to hang with about 200 MCs, my TSG peeps and receive a nice FAT paycheck at the end. Not to mention the obstacle course. I think some of my ex coworkers might remember this about the convention center here.
Did I mention the TORNADO WATCH that's goin' on for this area?
I miss Seattle. I love where I live.
They turned the AC on in here and it's pumping in over the help desk and now it's actually FREEZING in here. I think that they have temperature issues here. I'm going to need to bring my parka tomorrow.
and can i just say that Plantain Chips are delicious and tasty?
I went to Mandy's wedding this weekend in San Antonio and now am staying with Jenny and Anthony in Dallas. I hope to post some pictures soon, but I am on a Mac at the moment and I don't know if I can use a usb stick between a PC and a Mac. I will post some pictures ASAP because you NEED to see them.
I just want to say that anyone who knows Mandy, you sure did miss a great party. Everything was absolutely gorgeous, including the bride. And did I mention that you all missed great party too? Texans sure know how to have fun!
San Antonio is a very special place. It's very happy, and it seems like Cinco De Mayo is 365 days a year. The River Walk is probably one of the coolest places I have been in a while. There is a path that runs all along the San Antonio River in the downtown area, with restaurants, fountains, shops, large trees, old bridges and the like. The Mission where Mandy was married is about 300 years old and absolutely amazing. I also saw the Alamo, but it was closed and I couldn't go through it. According to one Texan I met, it is quite the spiritual experience. I would love to come back here and spend some quality time. And I have said nothing about the food. All I can say is that I am eating enough to keep me going through the fasting period that begins on Monday! Yummy!!
On Saturday, I went to Portland, Oregon to do a little tax free shopping. I hadn't been there for about 10 years, and it was odd to be there again. I lived in Portland from about age 11 until age 21. In many ways, a lot of who I am today was formed during my time there as I spent my adolescence in that wonderful city. When we moved to Portland, I was a country girl, so not only did I grow up, but I was transformed from a small town hic to a sophistcated city girl--well, I supposed that can be debated.
Saturday, I was able to go to a few of my old haunts, Pioneer Square, Powell's Books and Rocco's Pizza. I drove by my old house, work, school and other places. One funny thing is that I kept getting lost! I think it's because when I was in Portland, I was a pedestrian. And being a driver is very different than being a pedestrian!
Being in Portland while at the same time knowing that I have grown up even more since moving to Seattle, everything felt a little unreal. I was walking the same streets, but my outlook and perspective is so different than the last time I was there. I think that I have mellowed out quite a bit since then, plus I am not depressed like I was. I am glad that life continually changes and that God is continually giving grace and mercy, while helping me grow up. I am also glad that even though I am almost 33, (oh gosh) that I am not done with my growing up.

Thoughts on Whaling
What a wonderful place! I have been able to spend some serious time wandering on various beaches here. I am accumulating quite the collection of seashells. They are very different than the Pacific variety. Its always windy here, but its been perfect with lots of sun and just the right temperature. I even managed to get sunburned. I could live here.
I have done a couple of watercolor sketches, but they aren't very good. I have, however, been taking a ton of pictures with my film SLR. Hopefully, I can get them developed and posted soon.
I came home yesterday at 9pm after being gone all day, and found a horrible surprise at my house. Someone had kicked in my door and burglarized my house! Yes, they took the laptops, my new camera, ipods and a bunch of dvds, but what really steamed us was when we realized that these darn thieves had snitched our PILLOWCASES!
Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging and helpful in the past 24 hours, and thanks to our deputy sheriff, J. Reid.
I am guilty of leaving a trail of of mugs and teacups behind me, half-full and tepid. I wake up in the morning, make a cup of tea and carry it to whatever chosen perch of mine to spend time in prayer. I get distracted, leave the mug behind and later make another cup, forgetting that I already had one, now cold and lonely. After a day of this, I might wander around and find the various drinking vessels scattered around the house, one on a windowsill, another on a dresser, and perhaps one in the laundry room on the dryer. I will even find some, days old, with the milk beginning to curdle in the brownish pale tea.
My obsession with tea started really after my return from Switzerland a few years ago. I moved in with a family, whose head is a British man. Their youngest son started drinking tea as a toddler, holding the china teacup carefully and sipping as elegantly as a Lord. The tea canister would run low at times, and a quiet fight would ensue to see who would get downstairs first the next morning to get that last cup of tea.
Still today, I find that I love to open the new box of tea from the store, breathing in the aroma of the tea leaves and packing my canister full with the round tea bags. Though I love a good cup of coffee, tea has taken that supreme place of that first drink in the morning.
I can definately feel it. Does anyone else go crazy in the spring like I do? I feel this wave of unmotivation toward anything even remotely mundane and a total drive toward anything spontaneous and adventurous.
Want to skip work, eat lunch at 10am on top of a mountain pass? I'll be there.
Desire ice cream at 2am? Count me in.
Feeling the itch to swim the Pacific in April? I'll beat you too it.
Howl at the moon? Yep. Sounds like a plan.
Want to climb telephone poles wearing raingear covered in grease? uh... well, maybe not THAT.
but Billy Collins Action Poetry
makes me cry with happiness.
Sheer Joy.
Check out "The Country"
"The Story" from The Story, Brandi Carlile.
all of these lines across my face tell you the story of who i am...
Occasionally, I get these phone calls or emails from someone saying, "I had the craziest dream about you last night." Invariably they are the same, involving me, some guy I am about to marry and some other kind of shenanigans.
Not today. I did get an email, but the dream is worth repeating because it's probably the most hilarious, at least today, thing ever. The dreamer's name will remain anonymous, but it is worth mentioning that she is prego.
So, I dreamt last night that you were taking these vitamins that made your nose
hairs grow at insanely fast rates. Like long and curled up and over your
nose…sticking out and AWFUL…RREALLY BAD!!!
You were at a loss at
what to do about it because you couldn’t groom them fast enough b/f they grew
In a moment of sadness, you went to “wander” through Wall
Mart. You’d heard that the only thing I’d craved so far is Sweet Tarts, but that
I wouldn’t allow myself any, so you thought it would be “really funny” to make
me MASSIVE Easter basket full of every type of Sweet Tart imaginable b/c
you wanted to be the person that made me give into my craving. You put this big
basket together and brought it to me on Easter Sunday. You were SO excited!
BUT…you left your nose hair trimmer that you’d found at Wall Mart in the basket
and were so embarrassed. But it was a special one that only Wall Mart carried to
“radically remove” those “pesky” nose hairs. Ha!
Then I woke up.
Any interpretations?