
.The Mole Eradication Project at the Grey House Near Martha Lake Part One

Ever since I bought my house, moles have been aerating my lawn. Interestingly, I did not notice this when I was looking at the house to buy, but only after I moved in. Now there are so many bare spots from where the moles have dug their little holes, that I have decided that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.

First try at ridding my yard of these pesky beings is to get rid of their favorite snacks-- all the insect that live in my grass. I mowed the lawn, then spread insect killer on the lawn and then watered it. Hopefully then the moles will move on to another lawn looking for a tasty treat. If this technique does not work, then several others are lined up including Mole Bombs (which will poison them and is not so humane), and possibly a even more drastic method involving kerosene and small explosions. Hopefully they will read this blog and realize that leaving right now will be a very good idea.


justin said...

I vote for skipping right to step three. You can't negotiate with these critters. They're ruthless.

Timothy said...

Have you heard of Jeff Kline's mole-charming abilities? He's like the Pied Piper for moles. Just get him to come over and he'll lead a merry procession away from your property.

Not sure what he charges for his services...