Logger's Playday
Last Saturday, I drove down to Gray's Harbor to experience a little culture. Hoquiam, Washington celebrates the wonderful world of Logging every year with Logger's Playday. Here are some things I found that are a must:
1. Wear your Carhartt Jeans and Suspenders.
2. Make sure you know or are related to at least half of the people in the parade.
3. Bring a large Appetite.
4. Be prepared for some great people watching.
The schedule for the day included:
1. Pancake Breakfast
2. Parade with at least 100 various different kinds of Trucks. (Logging trucks, Semi-Trucks, Dump Trucks)
3. Salmon Dinner
4. Listening to stories of what it was like to work in the Logging Camps in the 50s.
5. The Logging Show, complete with shimmying up 90 ft tree poles, Hot Saw exhibit, Log rolling, etc, etc...
Favorite Quote of the Day:
"Riding in a Truck is like Lovin' Yer Girlfriend"
wow, i was just searching for something about logger's playday and i came across your blogsite. you have the best blog EVER! I MEAN THAT! WOW. Please blog more often.
I want you to know that I was IN this parade several times. I'm practically famous. You should have treated me better when we were roomates.
"Riding in a Truck is like Lovin' Yer Girlfriend"
I bought a truck exactly 11 days ago and it's more like lovin' a drunk and stubborn donkey. . .but hey, I have lots of cargo room.
Jen, I don't get it.
they're just carharts and s'penders jen (i'm black and a logger)
Wow. Memories.
Little bit of information: my dad has been a logger for over 30 years and I grew up with one of those flourescent green spraypainted signs in my yard that said "THIS FAMILY SUPPORTED BY TIMBER DOLLARS" and there was some controversy about a spotted owl.
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