
The Best News I've Heard All Week

Anyone who has traveled to Europe has probably shopped at H&M. And gotten addicted to its cheap, but extremely fashionable clothes.

Soon, we will be able to shop to our heart's content at our very own H&M right here in Seattle, location University Village.

For those worried that this will ruin their unique wardrobe from all their travels to other places collecting various H&M pieces, a few thoughts...

1. H&M is probably the most popular clothing store in Europe and so think about all those thousands of European women, men and children who are wearing the same exact outfit that you have on today.

2. The new store at U Village will be TWO LEVELS. This allows us to continue in the H&M tradition of shopping by color and a myriad of choices. MYRIAD.

3. Because they manufacture cheaply, this allows H&M to continually rotate their fashions, as I can attest to as everytime I visited the shop in Switzerland--almost weekly--there were new things to choose from

4. And what's wrong with wearing the same thing as someone else? It just shows that both of you have good taste.