

Why does it always seem like things get messier as I clean them? For instance, my room. I have been trying to organize these random boxes of stuff, papers and more stuff, along with drawers full of more stuff for about the past week. I have two large boxes of trash, one for recycle and one for garbage, but my room just keeps getting messier and messier. Currently, I am having a hard time getting dressed and also accomplishing daily tasks because I cannot find anything in the black hole which has become my room. It just depresses me to think about it.

Where is my external hard drive? My cream colored earrings? My calendar? What bills need to be paid? All these are questions that I just don't have the answer to at the moment. And if I think too hard about them, I just want to cry or throw things.

It is time to attack this thing head on, so I have decided to head to The Container Store in Bellevue and collect various boxes and storage solutions to help me bring a little order to my life.