

I have heard that many people do not enjoy the holidays because of relatives. I suppose that at times, I could admit that same thing. This year, I have been thinking about my family, both immeadiate and extended, and realize that I am a pretty lucky girl.

When I think about my family, parents, brother and wife, aunts and uncles, cousins and all the little second cousins, I feel very blessed. They are really an amazing group of people. I can't think of one of them that I do not like. If I was not related to them, I think that I would try very hard to know them somehow, or I'd try to be related to them.

I guess I should give the credit to my grandparents, who are both now in heaven. They had 5 children, on my mom's side, who then in turn, had 13 children and who in turn have had 28 plus 2 on the way and who knows how many more to come! This number does not include spouses and others who are cousins through marriage.


...and all of them are beautiful, amazing, fun, wonderful people!

There is a perfect verse in the Bible that I think describes my family

Psalms 78:4
We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.

I love the generational vision that my family has and I wonder just how large this family is going to get?


Anonymous said...

As your mom, I am soooo blessed to have such a great daughter! I feel so honored by you.

Anonymous said...

So, how do I respond to that. Miss Jen you are the gift to this family!