Adventure in Lynnwood
On the way to the mall with CM to pick up a pair of jeans at the Gap, we got stuck in a little traffic at the 164th and Alderwood Mall Blvd because of a flashing red light. CM looks over and sees a dude totally spaced out in the back seat of a red car next to us. So CM starts making faces at him. Well, this pisses off the guy so he starts mouthing F*YOU and getting his "panties in a bunch" over it. This only eggs CM on and he continues to make silly faces at the car, laughing hysterically. Mind you, we are still in stop and go traffic, edging our way toward the light. Then the car next to us, rolls down the window and the guy starts waving a switchblade at us!
Yes. A SWITCHBLADE. (in Lynnwood.)
CM keeps laughing at in retaliation, pulls out his "Razor" cell phone, opens it and waves it back at them. I start worrying a little, after all, we are in LYNNWOOD. So, I pull back a little hoping that they would get a head of us. But CM still keeps making faces at the car that continues to stay level with us. At the last minute, I decide that I want to honk at them right when I get to the intersection, but at that point, the other car had pulled ahead and they beat us to the light and they drove off with the dude still yelling at us.
Whew! That was a close call. You know, those Lynnwood natives can be quite dangerous...........
Today I received a Christmas gift, a pair of pink legwarmers. Putting all the fashion questions aside of whether or not I should even be wearing legwarmers (they do keep me warm!), a larger issue looms. On the back of the packaging in small letters, i read: One Size Fits Most. What is that supposed to mean? I think its a tragedy. Pretty soon, the labels will read, One Size Fits Some. And then we will buy cars and chairs according to size, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and so on... When we go to the office supply store to buy a pen, the clerk will ask, "And which size would you like your pen? Small, Medium or Large?"
New Year's Resolutions 2006
1. Fly on a plane to New York.
2. Borrow a Helicopter and head for NYC.
3. Hitchhike to Broadway.
4. Walk to Manhattan.
5. Teleport to The Big Apple.
6. Hop a train to the Empire State Building.
7. Sail the Pacific, through the Panama Canal and up the eastern seaboard to the Statue of Liberty.
9. Meet and marry a resident of NYC. Move there.
10. One way or another, find a way to NEW YORK CITY.
1. Fly on a plane to New York.
2. Borrow a Helicopter and head for NYC.
3. Hitchhike to Broadway.
4. Walk to Manhattan.
5. Teleport to The Big Apple.
6. Hop a train to the Empire State Building.
7. Sail the Pacific, through the Panama Canal and up the eastern seaboard to the Statue of Liberty.
9. Meet and marry a resident of NYC. Move there.
10. One way or another, find a way to NEW YORK CITY.
Inching slowly ahead, my foot on the brake,
stop and go, stop and go—
my red car, an old maid waiting
for the man of her dreams to arrive,
getting closer to the intersection, but never
quite making it. The faces of the people
in the other cars tell a million stories
of love, betrayal, boredom,
but I am too busy for that now,
trying to find a song on my iPod
as my car continues the long trek
down the asphalt aisle
making sure I arrive right on time.
Inching slowly ahead, my foot on the brake,
stop and go, stop and go—
my red car, an old maid waiting
for the man of her dreams to arrive,
getting closer to the intersection, but never
quite making it. The faces of the people
in the other cars tell a million stories
of love, betrayal, boredom,
but I am too busy for that now,
trying to find a song on my iPod
as my car continues the long trek
down the asphalt aisle
making sure I arrive right on time.
There is nothing like spending Christmas in a hospital room to remind you what Christmas is really all about. The presents, the money, the worries about all the details fade away and all that becomes important is the health and well-being of a loved one. People like to talk about the true meaning of Christmas during this time of year and there is always some kind of controversy raging in the public eye. But this time around, none of it matters, but what does is who or what I am focused on. The question I find myself asking myself is, whom do I worship? Myself or the little baby who rules the Universe? Am I more concerned about my life or about someone else's? And while sitting in a hospital with someone whom I love very much who is experiencing a lot of pain, this question becomes everything.

I did something horrible today, Dr. Phil (would it be alright if I called you that?). I broke the roomate circle of trust. Which, might I add, is extremely important to my roomate, C. My roomate had a big, important, she-was-up-all-night-the-night-before-worrying-about-it event. She was in a gingerbread house making competition. I told her competition for the gingerbread house contest, what her plans were. I told him that their (her friend Veronica's also) house was actually going to be a trailer. A white trash trailer. As you can see, they named it after me, because she found out that I had, in fact, become a traitor. "Jen's Trashy Trailer House" it reads. I am currently sitting outside our apartment, with only my thoughts to keep me company, as she will not let me inside. How could I do such a thing to such an incredible roomate? She's the best roomate I have EVER had **sniff**. She's practically perfect, and here I am, a big mess-up, a complete blabber mouth.
Hopefully she will forgive this unforgivable break of roomate trust. What can I do to make it up to her? I desperately need your advice.
I walk in to Starbucks, wait patiently in line, give my drink order, pay and then wait again on the other end. Tall Americano with Room. I grab my drink, walk over to the condiment bar and pour in about 2 seconds of half and half, put the lid back on and head out to my car. I get in, put my seatbelt on, turn on my mini ipod and reverse out of the parking spot, holding my coffee in one hand. Driving away, I wait until I am well on the road before I take that first sip.
Each time I reach that point, it's like hearing an old favorite song from high school that I haven't heard for ten years, or running into an elementary school best friend in the mall while Christmas shopping or finding that pair of shoes you thought were lost.
It's a great part of the day.
Each time I reach that point, it's like hearing an old favorite song from high school that I haven't heard for ten years, or running into an elementary school best friend in the mall while Christmas shopping or finding that pair of shoes you thought were lost.
It's a great part of the day.
Dear Santa:
Christmas Wish List: (in no particular order)
1. Vespa
2. First Edition by C.S. Lewis....any title will do.
3. Hair that is one color.
4. Subtract Ten Lbs.
5. Brown dress shoes.
6. Large white canvas to paint on
7. Manual typwriter, non-electric.
8. Narnia Soundtrack
9. Pastry Cutter
10. Large 3 story turn of the 20th Century house with husband and kids on land.
Jennifer Joy
Christmas Wish List: (in no particular order)
1. Vespa
2. First Edition by C.S. Lewis....any title will do.
3. Hair that is one color.
4. Subtract Ten Lbs.
5. Brown dress shoes.
6. Large white canvas to paint on
7. Manual typwriter, non-electric.
8. Narnia Soundtrack
9. Pastry Cutter
10. Large 3 story turn of the 20th Century house with husband and kids on land.
Jennifer Joy
The Conspirators [or as they are commonly known, E*Star and Juniper]:
Going to study involves more than just books. First, there must be the proper atmosphere. Often Starbucks will not cut it at all. The backdrop must be just so--especially if photographs are taken in the course of the evening. Interesting people to watch must also be present. If there are no interesting people, then what will distract you from your studying. Music, laptops and gadgets are also useful things to have a long to continue the distractions.
For sure, the most important thing in this event is good coffee and excellent company.

And a Conspiracy.

For sure, the most important thing in this event is good coffee and excellent company.

And a Conspiracy.
Today, I am learning how to build an operating system onto a computer. It brings me back to my junior high ms dos days.... you know the little mini programs that would add and subtract things. For me, that was 1988. Whee!! Goin' back to the roots, back to the roots.
Yes, Timothy, THEY are turning me into a tech. Perhaps one day I will acheive the status "nerd" or even a higher aspiration....."geek."
Yes, Timothy, THEY are turning me into a tech. Perhaps one day I will acheive the status "nerd" or even a higher aspiration....."geek."
All notations, comments, stories, language, and references to my roomate are most likely intended to elicit a laugh from all blog readers. Nothing stated regarding my relationship with my roomate should be completely believed, but instead regarded as suspect, or as said in the common American vernacular, taken with a grain of salt.
All notations, comments, stories, language, and references to my roomate are most likely intended to elicit a laugh from all blog readers. Nothing stated regarding my relationship with my roomate should be completely believed, but instead regarded as suspect, or as said in the common American vernacular, taken with a grain of salt.
Advice Desperately Needed...
I came home tonight and found that my roomate had done some redecorating. She has put kitten pictures all over the walls! I just don't know how to tell her how tacky it looks. When we moved in together, we had the whole, you know, PET talk. She never said anything about being obsessed with cats. I think I could handle one small picture of a cat, maybe in the bathroom or in the laundry closet, but all over the living room and dining area? No way! I called her when I saw them all up, and she was so excited about it, kept raving on and on about how cute the kittens were. She said she thought we could just have them all taped up until she gets some frames for the pictures. What is she thinking? I think she might be going a little loopy or something. I wonder if I should be worried about her or talk to someone about this?
I came home tonight and found that my roomate had done some redecorating. She has put kitten pictures all over the walls! I just don't know how to tell her how tacky it looks. When we moved in together, we had the whole, you know, PET talk. She never said anything about being obsessed with cats. I think I could handle one small picture of a cat, maybe in the bathroom or in the laundry closet, but all over the living room and dining area? No way! I called her when I saw them all up, and she was so excited about it, kept raving on and on about how cute the kittens were. She said she thought we could just have them all taped up until she gets some frames for the pictures. What is she thinking? I think she might be going a little loopy or something. I wonder if I should be worried about her or talk to someone about this?
The quickest way to a man's heart really is through his stomach, because then you don't have to chop through that pesky rib cage. - J. Jacques
This morning, I learned my lesson. You know that old saying, "Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched?" I celebrated last night the fact that I had no more papers to write with a nice bottle of Pinot Noir.
Foiled Again!
This morning, I found another assignment waiting for me . My crafty professor snuck another paper in. Luckily, I like this prof. and his class has been one of my easier ones thus far. So I didn't swear or throw anything.
On the upside of it all, I will just have to have another celebration in two weeks. Perhaps this time we will break out the Champagne. Care to join me anyone?
Foiled Again!
This morning, I found another assignment waiting for me . My crafty professor snuck another paper in. Luckily, I like this prof. and his class has been one of my easier ones thus far. So I didn't swear or throw anything.
On the upside of it all, I will just have to have another celebration in two weeks. Perhaps this time we will break out the Champagne. Care to join me anyone?
In less than a month, I will be in Switzerland. First, I will want to eat Zupfa, or if that is not available, I will eat a schoggi gipfuli. (chocolate croissant). I will hug lots of people and even kiss them! During my stay there, I will engage in the following activities:
1. Snowboarding
2. Snow Battle with the little baby Nicholas Matter
3. Eating a Kiwi Migros Excellence Yogurt
4. Drinking wine and toasting with my wonderful Hanna and Bernhard everynight before bed
5. Taking Dinah for a walk in the Forest
6. Looking at the Stars at night with Mirjam
7. Drinking a beer with Jenny and listening to music on the balcony.
8. Watching action movies with Michi and Nici
9. Driving on the moped with Eva Maria
10. Laughing with Simone and maybe even rockin' out to some Switchfoot
11. "Gitalah" with Simone and Rahel
12. Drinking a coffee with Bri
13. Listening to records and talking theology with Eric
14. Hanging out in the city with the girls
15. Eating lots and lots of food at all the dinner invitations I will have (espcially Sri Lankan curry!)
16. Taking a long walk with Shauna
17. Spending tons and tons of quality time with friends.
18. Shopping at H&M
19. Ordering a caffe creme at a little coffee shop on Nidaugasse
20. Riding a train somewhere....probably Lyss.
21. Walking to the Broekenstubbe.
22. Meeting all the MCs
23. Buying some Lobella
24. Eating lots and lots of chocolate
25. Hug a million little kids.
1. Snowboarding
2. Snow Battle with the little baby Nicholas Matter
3. Eating a Kiwi Migros Excellence Yogurt
4. Drinking wine and toasting with my wonderful Hanna and Bernhard everynight before bed
5. Taking Dinah for a walk in the Forest
6. Looking at the Stars at night with Mirjam
7. Drinking a beer with Jenny and listening to music on the balcony.
8. Watching action movies with Michi and Nici
9. Driving on the moped with Eva Maria
10. Laughing with Simone and maybe even rockin' out to some Switchfoot
11. "Gitalah" with Simone and Rahel
12. Drinking a coffee with Bri
13. Listening to records and talking theology with Eric
14. Hanging out in the city with the girls
15. Eating lots and lots of food at all the dinner invitations I will have (espcially Sri Lankan curry!)
16. Taking a long walk with Shauna
17. Spending tons and tons of quality time with friends.
18. Shopping at H&M
19. Ordering a caffe creme at a little coffee shop on Nidaugasse
20. Riding a train somewhere....probably Lyss.
21. Walking to the Broekenstubbe.
22. Meeting all the MCs
23. Buying some Lobella
24. Eating lots and lots of chocolate
25. Hug a million little kids.
My cousin Vincent has entered a film into a contest....Read below. Check it out and VOTE! (give him 4 stars of course!)
Friends,I entered a short film into a contest called, The 64 Second Film Contest. The first phase of the contest is voted on by the public (you).As there are some other good movies posted (all are unofficially rated PG), I'm not necessarily asking for you to vote for my film, but that would be helpful as to ensure that I make it to phase two.The idea of the contest was to come up with a creative way of defining "waitlessness" in 64 seconds. It is intentionally spelled incorrectly as to define the essence of not waiting.To vote, go to: http://www.64seconds.comClick on: "the show"Scroll through the pages by clicking on "next" until you see my name and the title "Isle 3, Bottom Shelf," or this thumbnail (attached). To watch the movie again, click on the thumbnail again.I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to cast your vote (in the upper right of the page).
Friends,I entered a short film into a contest called, The 64 Second Film Contest. The first phase of the contest is voted on by the public (you).As there are some other good movies posted (all are unofficially rated PG), I'm not necessarily asking for you to vote for my film, but that would be helpful as to ensure that I make it to phase two.The idea of the contest was to come up with a creative way of defining "waitlessness" in 64 seconds. It is intentionally spelled incorrectly as to define the essence of not waiting.To vote, go to: http://www.64seconds.comClick on: "the show"Scroll through the pages by clicking on "next" until you see my name and the title "Isle 3, Bottom Shelf," or this thumbnail (attached). To watch the movie again, click on the thumbnail again.I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to cast your vote (in the upper right of the page).
One more reason for not getting involved in messy relationships....
I tried signing up for Comcast yesterday, so I can start Telecommuting (as the receptionist, yes.) Well, it seems that the PREVIOUS tenant hasn't paid his last bill. We think his name might be David Rose as we keep getting stuff from a local vet for him....
Well, I've been a bit Tee'd off, so I thought I'd google him....
And THIS was what I came up with...
If this is the same David Rose, then I guess it makes sense why he's dodging Comcast...I mean a $4,000 custody suit over a dog with his Ex. That's pretty important. Poor Guy.
I suppose I'm a little more understanding of his situation now....
I tried signing up for Comcast yesterday, so I can start Telecommuting (as the receptionist, yes.) Well, it seems that the PREVIOUS tenant hasn't paid his last bill. We think his name might be David Rose as we keep getting stuff from a local vet for him....
Well, I've been a bit Tee'd off, so I thought I'd google him....
And THIS was what I came up with...
If this is the same David Rose, then I guess it makes sense why he's dodging Comcast...I mean a $4,000 custody suit over a dog with his Ex. That's pretty important. Poor Guy.
I suppose I'm a little more understanding of his situation now....
Rumour Mill
Lately, some crazy gossip has been going 'round about me. I just want to make it clear that I:
Was not the pooper scooper for the three headed elephant at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.
Have never been a member of a punk rock band, though I did have green hair once.
Have never been, nor plan to be a Tibeten Monk.
Have never been in jail, though I did get handcuffed once (case of mistaken identity).
Am not a secret agent for the CIA.
Lately, some crazy gossip has been going 'round about me. I just want to make it clear that I:
Was not the pooper scooper for the three headed elephant at the Barnum and Bailey Circus.
Have never been a member of a punk rock band, though I did have green hair once.
Have never been, nor plan to be a Tibeten Monk.
Have never been in jail, though I did get handcuffed once (case of mistaken identity).
Am not a secret agent for the CIA.
The Everyman Photo Contest results are in! I didn't win anything, but there are some amazing photos that did! I like the landscape winner alot.
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