"For what shall we do when we wake one day to find we have lost touch with our heart and with it the very refuge where God's Presence resides?" _The Sacred Romance_ --Curtis and Eldredge
"The problem of pain has remained the single greatest question, not only for the skeptic who uses it as an excuse to doubt God's existence, but also for the believer who questions God's purpose." _The Grand Weaver_ --Ravi Zacharias
I work for a technical support group that does tech support for a very LARGE software company at many of their conferences and shows. We take the gear in, set it up, support it, then tear it down, so that our client can get more important things done, like market their product to their customers.
This week, I am working at a show where I keep expecting the back alley fight scene in anchorman to erupt. My company's competitors are also working at this show and there is this unsaid ranking system, where we are all vying for the number one slot.
I hope I get to throw the Trident.
What, if anything, am I leaving behind? Am I just drifitng through life, a wanderer, with no destination? There is nothing with wandering, just as long as there is a destination, a place to end. As Bilbo Baggins wrote about Strider, "Not all who wander are lost." At the end, what will be left of my life, my few years here on earth?
Sometimes, I wonder what would happen to my blog if I all of a sudden died or went into a coma. How long would my words stay frozen here on the internet. Would Blogger turn off my account after a certain time? Or would my blog just stay up indefinately?
On another note, I really like sitting in front of my fire, the wood crackling nicely, with Sigur Ros playing in the background. Even though my house will smell like a campfire afterwards. (The wood is still a bit damp).
Tonight, I went to a book signing at Third Place Books by Jeffrey Overstreet for his new fantasy novel, Auralia's Colors. I have been reading his blog since the spring, and have enjoyed his perspective on film, music and writing. Even though we went to the same high school, I didn't really know him, so it was interesting to meet him in person. I always wonder if someone is the same in real life as they are on the internet, and he does seem to be the same person. I think he is doing, actually living out what many of us have been talking about wanting to do which is: adding to the conversation in our culture through writing, bringing meaning and beauty. Thank you Jeffrey for an enjoyable evening.
Oh, and I love Auralia's Colors and highly recommend it!
And, one more thing... I saw my Senior year English teacher Mr. D. at the book signing. I said hello, but realized that 15 years later, I am still tongue tied when trying to talk to him! I felt like I was still 17!! I wanted to thank him for teaching me how to write a good essay. I don't think I could have gotten the grades I did in college with out that skill. He also opened my eyes to some good poetry (red wheelbarrow) and fiction.
record of travels
I've decided that I need to keep better track of all the cities that I travel to. Yesterday, I bought my first of many City Moleskines--San Francisco.
I am going to SF the second week in October. It's one of my favorite West Coast cities.
Here's hoping that soon I will buy a Moleskine for these cities:
New York, Boston, Berlin... and maybe Barcelona??
i| you| he| she| we| they|
an interesting social website, taking questions plugged into Yahoo! Answers and filtering them by pronoun.
(thx to swissmiss)
Ever since I bought my house, moles have been aerating my lawn. Interestingly, I did not notice this when I was looking at the house to buy, but only after I moved in. Now there are so many bare spots from where the moles have dug their little holes, that I have decided that SOMETHING MUST BE DONE.
First try at ridding my yard of these pesky beings is to get rid of their favorite snacks-- all the insect that live in my grass. I mowed the lawn, then spread insect killer on the lawn and then watered it. Hopefully then the moles will move on to another lawn looking for a tasty treat. If this technique does not work, then several others are lined up including Mole Bombs (which will poison them and is not so humane), and possibly a even more drastic method involving kerosene and small explosions. Hopefully they will read this blog and realize that leaving right now will be a very good idea.

Logger's Playday
Last Saturday, I drove down to Gray's Harbor to experience a little culture. Hoquiam, Washington celebrates the wonderful world of Logging every year with Logger's Playday. Here are some things I found that are a must:
1. Wear your Carhartt Jeans and Suspenders.
2. Make sure you know or are related to at least half of the people in the parade.
3. Bring a large Appetite.
4. Be prepared for some great people watching.
The schedule for the day included:
1. Pancake Breakfast
2. Parade with at least 100 various different kinds of Trucks. (Logging trucks, Semi-Trucks, Dump Trucks)
3. Salmon Dinner
4. Listening to stories of what it was like to work in the Logging Camps in the 50s.
5. The Logging Show, complete with shimmying up 90 ft tree poles, Hot Saw exhibit, Log rolling, etc, etc...
the bell tolls for thee...
I just found out that Madeleine L'Engle passed away yesterday. Read Here. I feel like crying. L'Engle was one of my favorite authors, right up there with Lewis and Tolkien. I have read most of her books, but all of a sudden I want to get my hands on all of them, in case they become extremely hard to find. I would say that her best book is A Wrinkle in Time, not only for children, but also for adults. If you have not read it, might I suggest that you run out to the closest Barnes and Noble and get yourself a copy? Her Walking on Water: Reflections on Faith and Art has been one of the greatest influences on my creativity as a Christian artist and writer. I will greatly miss her, even though I have never met her. I look forward to having a cup of coffee with her in heaven and discussing philosophy and writing.
Overstreet over at Looking Closer has this to say about L'Engle.
Auralia's Colors
I am looking forward to receiving my copy of Auralia's Colors. I went to the same high school as the author, Jeffrey Overstreet, and so am expecting great things from this novel. The first chapter was thoroughly enjoyable and so I can't wait until the mailman brings me my package from Amazon.
Don't worry, Jeff did not ask me to put this shameless plug in my blog as I haven't seen him since we graduated, but I figured I will do what I can for the PCHS class of '92!
Are these some signs of becoming a Nerd?
- Toys in my cubicle include: Batman Legos and Starwars Legos magnets.
- A tendency to rebuild my laptop every three months.
- Owning a gaming console (Xbox 360).
- Understanding and using acronyms.
- Main form of communication is either email, instant message or text messaging.
- Spending a min of 8 hours a day on a computer.
- An obsession with email threads.