A Near Perfect Day...consists of...
a saturday
waking up at 6:47 am
lying in bed until 8:00 am
with a cup of tea, a journal and a Bible
sorting laundry into 4 piles on the bedroom floor
changing sheets on the bed
and airing out the room
with the fresh air
from the rainy day outside
bleaching the tub, toilet and counters
taking out the garbage
cleaning out old clothes from the closet
showering at 11:30
an americano and whole wheat marionberry scone at the honey bear bakery
selling books for 9.75 and 11.90 in trade
finding some treasures:
a book about C.S Lewis' library, a new Italian author translated into English,
a well-worn hardback biography of Madame Guyon, Thomas a Kempis,
and East of Eden by Steinbeck.
Trading in some clothes at Buffalo Exchange for 21.50
and finding a shirt and pair of shoes there for 21. 32
wandering through the stacks at the UW Suzallo Allen Library
holding call numbers and trying to find those
elusive books
walking the u district in the rain
eating pesto feta cheese pizza at
Pizza Brava
and seeing a poster for the 2006 Seattle Cheese Festival
and hearing "Creep" on the radio
praying with a bunch of radical people
ending the night at Kahili with laptop, books
another americano
and a friend.