
My Heart has an Echo

Today I had an echocardiogram. I have a Heart Murmur and my doctor, the famous Dr. Frank Marinkovich, wanted to check it again. Its been about 8 years since I had my last test, so I guess it was about time for another. It is the oddest thing, laying down with this cold metal thing pressed to your heart, and seeing your heart beating on a little computer screen. Mine sounds like this thump-squish-thump. I wish I could get the recording of it.

And as this Website informs me: "An echocardiogram is a test in which ultrasound is used to examine the heart. The equipment is far superior to that used by fishermen."

This is good to know. I was wondering in the doctors office today about that. Thank God.

1 comment:

justin said...

What they fail to tell you is that it is also quite inferior to the technology used by bird watchers.