
School Supplies

I felt like a little schoolgirl again as I was standing in the school supplies aisle at Target last night. Realizing that my little calendar that I had been using to keep track of assignments was not going to cut it this new semester, I thought that I would find something different, the first priority being more space to write. But looking at all the pens, tape, paper and notebooks, I felt myself wanting it all. I wanted to take all of it home with me, bright and new. Shiny. Precious.

I resisted tempation and only bought what I needed....

my precious

1 comment:

Rose said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog. I loved this entry of yours though.. it totally reminds me of my kid days too. I would ask for "officy/school supplies" for Christmas. Just give me a new package of red plastic paper clips in my stocking, and I'd be so happy! I hope you have a good week!!