

For all you eighties children who remember spending hours in the nickle arcades, this is a fun challenge. I find that I am horrible at multitasking, but I sure laugh a lot at myself while playing! This is probably the real reason I like it, 'cause it makes me laugh. However, I will have you know that last night I made 16th on the daily global scores...

But I know that pretty much anyone I work with can beat me blindfolded, with both arms tied behind their back all the while swimming in a tank full of sharks and doing their taxes online.


justin said...

that's just too much. it reminds me of exercises you have to do when using software that teaches you how to speed read, because you have to be good at using peripheral vision.

Unknown said...

i can do three of the mini games but when you throw in a fourth one it becomes too hectic. the tic-tac-toe type one got me.

Mr. Mando said...

Mando no like, too mucha games

Timothy said...

I kicked butt. Scored some millions and million of point my first (and only) time trying.

Timothy said...

Missed a couple of s's there.