
One more reason for not getting involved in messy relationships....

I tried signing up for Comcast yesterday, so I can start Telecommuting (as the receptionist, yes.) Well, it seems that the PREVIOUS tenant hasn't paid his last bill. We think his name might be David Rose as we keep getting stuff from a local vet for him....

Well, I've been a bit Tee'd off, so I thought I'd google him....

And THIS was what I came up with...

If this is the same David Rose, then I guess it makes sense why he's dodging Comcast...I mean a $4,000 custody suit over a dog with his Ex. That's pretty important. Poor Guy.

I suppose I'm a little more understanding of his situation now....



Mr. Mando said...

Wow, I can't believe they are talking about animal rights and animal law. I like a dog or cat as much as the next guy, but animals are anmimals and not people, what is this country coming to?
The jerk should have been man enough to let the girl keep the dog and gone to Alaska and gotten his own dog. He wouldn't have even had to go to Alaska, he could've gone to the pound. Sounds like a classic case of the ever growning sundrome of getting even.

Mr. Mando said...

to clarify a spelling error, the word is syndrome, and what I was refering to was the ever growing tendancy of people in this country to want revenge or vengance or getting even. I understand that the guy was probaly hurt, but it's just a dog!! move on.