

I have heard that many people do not enjoy the holidays because of relatives. I suppose that at times, I could admit that same thing. This year, I have been thinking about my family, both immeadiate and extended, and realize that I am a pretty lucky girl.

When I think about my family, parents, brother and wife, aunts and uncles, cousins and all the little second cousins, I feel very blessed. They are really an amazing group of people. I can't think of one of them that I do not like. If I was not related to them, I think that I would try very hard to know them somehow, or I'd try to be related to them.

I guess I should give the credit to my grandparents, who are both now in heaven. They had 5 children, on my mom's side, who then in turn, had 13 children and who in turn have had 28 plus 2 on the way and who knows how many more to come! This number does not include spouses and others who are cousins through marriage.


...and all of them are beautiful, amazing, fun, wonderful people!

There is a perfect verse in the Bible that I think describes my family

Psalms 78:4
We will not hide them from their children;
we will tell the next generation
the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,
his power, and the wonders he has done.

I love the generational vision that my family has and I wonder just how large this family is going to get?



A good day:

1. Little email
2. Guitar Hero 3
3. Jimmy John's
4. Found a great Christmas Sweater
5. Eating my roomate's Christmas Cookies without permission
6. Moon


There are those days when nothing seems to go right,


stopping for a minute, to think, pray, reflect

and drink a cup of tea.

...that usually fixes it.



"For Glory means good report with God, acceptance by God, response, acknowledgement, and welcome into the heart of things. The door on which we have been knocking all our lives will open at last."

--C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory

Seeing the door opening, after a long time of knocking, is almost unbelievable, but it it opening.


What Do I Want in a Job? and not necessarily in this order...

1. Good Boss
2. Fun coworkers
3. Flexibility
4. Adventure
5. Challenge
7. Security
8. Good Benefits
9. Money
10. Enjoyable working environment



I interviewed with a company today, that will remain nameless, but I am curious as to whether they did a search for me on the internet. I sure hope they did, because I don't know if I'd want the job unless they had done their homework.

Hiring managers should definately "google" or as some might be pressured into saying "windows live" potential employees.

I will say that I didn't feel too nervous while I was interviewing, until the last interview. And I am not sure why. Maybe because I felt like this guy would actually be someone that I would work with on a daily basis while all the other people weren't.

And I am not sure if I want the job yet either, but I want to see what kind of offer I get...that is, if I get one at all.

And I found that I sweat a lot in interviews. Good thing I wore a jacket.


Operation Basement Water Removal

With the recent Seattle Deluge, I ended up with some minor flooding in my basement that got my rugs and records wet. Also, a section where a bunch of boards and doors was affected. Today, my dad and I sopped up the water and moved the boards out of the way. The question was how to get the rugs dry. Since they are small area rugs, we just tacked them to the rafters and put fans on them. Simple enough.

We are still not sure where the leak came from, but the theory is that the water table level rose and the water came in from cracks in the walls. Ugh. We might have to dig a big trench under my porch for a drain. Not a fun project.

Sometimes I wonder if being a homeowner is worth it.


Quick Weekend Trip

I flew to Switzerland on Thursday, arrived on Friday and flew home last night.

Perhaps you think this is crazy, but here are several reasons that I thought it made it worth it:

1. Surprising the pants, and sometimes the socks and shoes too, off of friends.

2. Loading up on Chocolate, esp the kind with a "kick."

3. Getting Status on Alaska Airlines

4. Catching up on all the movies I missed in the theatre

5. Adventure