
I'm a junkie:

http://grapesky.vox.com/ don't really use it

http://www.flickr.com/photos/grapesky/ use fairly often

http://regent.facebook.com/profile.php?id=215500549 don't really use it

http://www.myspace.com/grapesky use only when i get messages

http://www.virb.com/grapesky on pretty much every day, but i think its a current fad for me.

http://grapesky.blogspot.com/ use ALL the time, and probably will for a long time

http://grapesky.spaces.live.com/ rarely use

http://www.linkedin.com/profile?viewProfile=&key=7997306 use only when someone's trying to network

http://www.xanga.com/joonitree only have the account to comment on other people's blogs

http://joonitree.livejournal.com/ i can't remember why i signed up for this one. obviously, i have done nothing with it...

oh! and I almost forgot...


oh dear, another one...


and i love amazon and i buy stuff off it.


Timothy said...

Wow Jen, it's bad. Have you been to see a therapist about this?

My whole deal is time investment. It's hard enough to try and remember to create new posts on my single blog... why would I want a bunch more?

Although I checked out your VIRB site and it's pretty cool. I'm honored to have made your 'favs' list.

Anonymous said...

I think my internet navigation circle is narrow; I can count my profile presences on three fingers and I've never filled any of them out. I don't know, it seems hard enough investing yourself in real-world relationships, let alone in the virtual dimension. But maybe that's the reason for a 3-D avatar, so you can take yourself wherever you go online. I want one that will write my papers.