
Books Recently Read:

The Fall of Lucifer

The Devil Wears Prada

Grapes of Wrath

Currently Reading:

Winter's Tale

The Power of One

On the Horizon:

Journal of the Unknown Prophet


Timothy said...

What did you think of Grapes of Wrath?

Rose said...

Hopefully The Devil Wears Prada was a better read than watching the movie. The only thing I liked about it were Anne Hathaway's outfits.

Jason Michael Shuttlesworth said...

Hello there.

What do you think God has designed you to do in this life? Obviously, you seem an excellent writer...very witty. Kind of like myself after drinking concentrated green tea and 2 cans of Stacker2 Stinger extreme energy drink...sinful citrus flavor. There's something to be said about processed food made in a pharmaceutical company, with a warning label stating 'not for pregnant or nursing mothers, people sensitive to caffeine, young children, senior citizens, phenylketonurics, the emotionally disturbed, or heavy equipment operators.' I'm not sure what it is that needs said, but after I get some sleep I'll tell you...should be next Friday. That is to say, do you think He has (at least) one very important, specific, 'masterpiece' for you to complete? You know, like building an ark, discovering America, or painting the Sistine Chapel? Something that requires you to sacrifice a significant part of your free time, like going away to Upper Mongolia for a decade? I don't think this is necessarily the case for most people, but then again, most people simply are clueless nowadays as far as knowing what they're gifted for. Have you noticed? People don't even know right from wrong. It's scary. Everyone thinks alike. When everyone thinks alike, no one is REALLY thinking. I don't think anything is unrealistic if you believe you can do it. If you're determined anough and willing to pay the price, you will get it done. Anyways, back to the life's opus thing. Do you have one?