
What are the Chances?

So, last night after the expo hall closed, I was walking with some folks to eat dinner. We headed toward the Gas Lamp district that sits across the railroad tracks from the convention center in San Diego. Right as we reached the tracks, a very long train passes by. We were starving, so impatiently we wait. Right as the last few train cars are passing us, the train brakes and stops. We and the crowd gathered stop in disbelief. One of my group walks toward the tracks, looking for a way to cross, saying... "I've never seen a train back up, have you?" And as he approached the train, sure enough, the wheels start turning and it starts backing up....

So we wait for the train, the v e r y l o n g t r a i n to back up and pass us. Finally, it does and we cross the tracks toward dinner. We find our Mexican restaurant and sit down to a very nice dinner.

Does the story end there? NO! There is more to this adventure. At this point, the story is not all that interesting. Big deal. Waiting for a train....


As we walk back toward the hotel, someone jokes about the train. Wouldn't that be horrible if another train passed by right when we wanted to go back? One person laughed and said, "well at least my hotel is on this side of the train tracks." The rest of us weren't so lucky....

As we approach the tracks, we hear the train horn. Oh no. BUT! not only was a train approaching... It was the VERY SAME TRAIN.

We waited for a third time for the train to pass.

Coincidence? Fate?


Anonymous said...

one time i was driving gus to work and we have to cross over train tracks if we take this certain exit off the freeway. we also decided at the last minute which one to take, and this time we picked the tracks. as we approached the tracks i could see the lights flashing and we knew a train was coming. we geared up for the long wait, and suddenly just two engines went flying by. then after dropping him off, i head back to go to work, and the lights were flashing again, so i almost turned to go the other direction when the same two engines came zipping by, only this time going the other direction. and then, later in the evening when i came back to pick gus up from work, what did i see? yes, the same two engines going back the other direction again. i'm going to have to go with fate. definitely fate.

jennifer joy staab said...

yes! i love it. two train fate stories. we need gus to write us a song.

Timothy said...

I've seen a few trains back up. They do that sometimes.