
There are times when I think, what in the world am I doing trying to be a graduate student? And tonight is just one of those nights. I look at the assignment laid out for me in the syllabus, and though I plug away at it, I do not seem to be making any headway. Is it because I have never actually ever done a literature review? Is it because I am hungry, even though I ate dinner less than 2 hours ago? Is it because I am cold, sitting in this cubical at the Univeristy of Washington Allen Library? Of course, I will finish this on time and I most likely will even get a decent grade, but at the moment, all I want to do is stare out the window and the lighted brick walk below me or walk over to Allegro Cafe and buy coffee.


justin said...

I really hope you went to Allegro. Caffeine helps you think faster, and therefore takes you past blank mental spaces that create moments such as the one you just described more quickly.

Anonymous said...

I fully appreciate your struggle Jen. (Maybe not fully, since I'm still just an undergrad). But I have felt that way many times, usually when I have to write things for grades. I've been asking for a renewed mind about my work, so that I find out what it is to LOVE what I am created to do, and find the less agonizing flow. Maybe remind yourself regularly: I LOVE being a GRADUATE STUDENT!