
Fairy Tales: Are they Over for Us?

In his discussion of "The Golden Compass" ( a movie based on a book by Phillip Pullman), Jeffrey Overstreet makes this comment:
"Christians have become so suspicious of fairy tales, fantasy, and
imagination that we have created an environment in which it is very unlikely
that we will see another imagination like Tolkien and Lewis emerge."

...which, if this is true, makes me very very sad, because if this is true, then the recent death of Madeliene L'Engle means that there are very few good storytellers out there with a Christian worldview.

Who wants to prove this statement wrong?

I do, for one.

...and I think Overstreet is also out to prove himself wrong.


Unknown said...

thanks for posting that Jen.

Timothy said...

Just finished Auralia's Colors... enjoyed it very much. Don't know if I like all of his many, many conjunctions though.... to make up a new kind of fruit or animal or object, he just combines two other words with which I'm familiar...

Beastmen, springberry, madweed, etc.

Plus, I can't figure out how I'm supposed to pronounce "Auralia" which is also distracting. How's the middle vowel sound?