

now that school is over and show season is done, i feel like i can take a breath and remember what things are important to me...

the moon
cleaning house
new friends
a new nephew
old friends


Anonymous said...

Did you see the moon last night. I was driving back home and watched it the whole way. I had to keep reminding myself to watch the road :)

Anonymous said...

I just have to say that I really like your blog, Jen. It rekindles in me an appetite for life and fills me with hope - and not in SPITE of the number of posts that deal with every day things, but BECAUSE of them. You are good at finding the Lord's Joy and Truth in the midst of the ordinary. I don't think I have ever commented before, but I read it frequently and thought I should say thank you. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Jen I consider you an excellent woman and terrific friend, which is why I just want to ask a little question: why did you place the moon at the top of your "list of important things"? Because I thought maybe the "group at the gray house on Martha Lake" might make higher billing. But I am not upset by any means.

Anonymous said...

I thought that your ex-roomie would be at the top of your list. Her heart must have broken to find out that even cleaning her house made it on the list, but not her.
I wonder if she cried? Or even sobbed?

jennifer joy staab said...

to my ex-roomate: my apologies if you felt snubbed, but the reason you aren't on the list is because i cannot ever forget how important you are to me, as this specific list is about REMEMBERING. i can forget you if you like, just to remember you next time.