
Green Grass

There are two states in life. Either a person is happy with the grass in their yard, or the grass is greener in the neighbor's yard. At the moment, I have a large tree in my back yard, all cut up into pieces. It's pretty much going to be impossible to do anything back there until it is removed. I don't really care about my neighbor's grass, but it would be nice if I could enjoy the grass that I have. However, I do like my grass, even though I can't see it currently and I have moles and dandelions. I like it because it's MY GRASS.

I feel fairly content with my life, but what makes life hard sometimes is when people around me are discontent. Then I look at what I have and think, is something wrong with me? Shouldn't I feel miserable like that person?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen I do also think the grass is really pretty in your yard. Only maybe we could chop up the tree and make tall stacks of firewood, and then it might be even prettier.