mandy and joshua's wedding--some pics
Lone Star State
I went to Mandy's wedding this weekend in San Antonio and now am staying with Jenny and Anthony in Dallas. I hope to post some pictures soon, but I am on a Mac at the moment and I don't know if I can use a usb stick between a PC and a Mac. I will post some pictures ASAP because you NEED to see them.
I just want to say that anyone who knows Mandy, you sure did miss a great party. Everything was absolutely gorgeous, including the bride. And did I mention that you all missed great party too? Texans sure know how to have fun!
San Antonio is a very special place. It's very happy, and it seems like Cinco De Mayo is 365 days a year. The River Walk is probably one of the coolest places I have been in a while. There is a path that runs all along the San Antonio River in the downtown area, with restaurants, fountains, shops, large trees, old bridges and the like. The Mission where Mandy was married is about 300 years old and absolutely amazing. I also saw the Alamo, but it was closed and I couldn't go through it. According to one Texan I met, it is quite the spiritual experience. I would love to come back here and spend some quality time. And I have said nothing about the food. All I can say is that I am eating enough to keep me going through the fasting period that begins on Monday! Yummy!!
I went to Mandy's wedding this weekend in San Antonio and now am staying with Jenny and Anthony in Dallas. I hope to post some pictures soon, but I am on a Mac at the moment and I don't know if I can use a usb stick between a PC and a Mac. I will post some pictures ASAP because you NEED to see them.
I just want to say that anyone who knows Mandy, you sure did miss a great party. Everything was absolutely gorgeous, including the bride. And did I mention that you all missed great party too? Texans sure know how to have fun!
San Antonio is a very special place. It's very happy, and it seems like Cinco De Mayo is 365 days a year. The River Walk is probably one of the coolest places I have been in a while. There is a path that runs all along the San Antonio River in the downtown area, with restaurants, fountains, shops, large trees, old bridges and the like. The Mission where Mandy was married is about 300 years old and absolutely amazing. I also saw the Alamo, but it was closed and I couldn't go through it. According to one Texan I met, it is quite the spiritual experience. I would love to come back here and spend some quality time. And I have said nothing about the food. All I can say is that I am eating enough to keep me going through the fasting period that begins on Monday! Yummy!!
On Saturday, I went to Portland, Oregon to do a little tax free shopping. I hadn't been there for about 10 years, and it was odd to be there again. I lived in Portland from about age 11 until age 21. In many ways, a lot of who I am today was formed during my time there as I spent my adolescence in that wonderful city. When we moved to Portland, I was a country girl, so not only did I grow up, but I was transformed from a small town hic to a sophistcated city girl--well, I supposed that can be debated.
Saturday, I was able to go to a few of my old haunts, Pioneer Square, Powell's Books and Rocco's Pizza. I drove by my old house, work, school and other places. One funny thing is that I kept getting lost! I think it's because when I was in Portland, I was a pedestrian. And being a driver is very different than being a pedestrian!
Being in Portland while at the same time knowing that I have grown up even more since moving to Seattle, everything felt a little unreal. I was walking the same streets, but my outlook and perspective is so different than the last time I was there. I think that I have mellowed out quite a bit since then, plus I am not depressed like I was. I am glad that life continually changes and that God is continually giving grace and mercy, while helping me grow up. I am also glad that even though I am almost 33, (oh gosh) that I am not done with my growing up.
On Saturday, I went to Portland, Oregon to do a little tax free shopping. I hadn't been there for about 10 years, and it was odd to be there again. I lived in Portland from about age 11 until age 21. In many ways, a lot of who I am today was formed during my time there as I spent my adolescence in that wonderful city. When we moved to Portland, I was a country girl, so not only did I grow up, but I was transformed from a small town hic to a sophistcated city girl--well, I supposed that can be debated.
Saturday, I was able to go to a few of my old haunts, Pioneer Square, Powell's Books and Rocco's Pizza. I drove by my old house, work, school and other places. One funny thing is that I kept getting lost! I think it's because when I was in Portland, I was a pedestrian. And being a driver is very different than being a pedestrian!
Being in Portland while at the same time knowing that I have grown up even more since moving to Seattle, everything felt a little unreal. I was walking the same streets, but my outlook and perspective is so different than the last time I was there. I think that I have mellowed out quite a bit since then, plus I am not depressed like I was. I am glad that life continually changes and that God is continually giving grace and mercy, while helping me grow up. I am also glad that even though I am almost 33, (oh gosh) that I am not done with my growing up.

Thoughts on Whaling
After being on Cape Cod and Nantucket, I have been hearing more about the whaling history of this area. Having time to read, I picked up a couple of books about it--a fictional story about Ahab's wife (The Ahab from Moby Dick) and a non-fiction tale about the whaleship Essex out of Nantucket (a story complete with an angry whale who "stove"--rammed-- a ship and starving shipwrecked sailors who reached a point of desperation where they began to eat their shipmates.
One thing I found intriguing is that Nantucket, the whaling capital of the world in the 1800's, but an island smaller than Camano Island, also had a strong Quaker community living on it. This came about because a highly influental woman on the island was converted by a Quaker when all other missionaries had been rejected and booted off the island.
When I think about the Quakers, I think most about their pacifism and their abolitionist movement, not the dirty but profitable whaling business. The more I read about whaling, the more it seems like an anomoly. Quiet spoken, plain dressed Quakers on a bloody, stinky, whaling ship where they would not only capture, but kill and process the whale all on the ship's deck? Quakers engaging in cannabalism? One interesting fact is that while other whaling ships would press black sailors on and treat them like slaves, the Quaker whaling ships treated the black sailors as equals, perhaps not total integration, but giving the sailor the same wage as the others. However, it still seems an oxymoron that that these Nantucket Quakers pursued whaling so passionately while making a ton of money on the oil that they produced all the while "Fulfilling the Lord's will" (from In the Heart of the Sea by Nathanial Philbrik). Were they really fulfilling God's will? It's hard to say. For sure, the oil brought in from the Sperm whale was used all over the world to light the lamps of lighthouses, which saved many people from death. However, they also brought a lot of money their way, while also producing many widows and fatherless children. I am in no position to judge the Quakers, as the question I hear being asked of me is, what things to I justify as "The Lord's Will" when in reality, I am pursuing them for my own profit?
On another note, while in Plymouth we walked around Burial Hill and saw many graves of some of the first Englishmen and women to live in our country. One grave stuck out, that of Adoniram Judson, who is called the "Father of the Baptist Missionary." Not only did he translate the Bible into Burmese, but he spent many years in prison in Burma. This man, while doing the Lord's will, obviously was not in it for his own profit.
Cape Cod, MA
What a wonderful place! I have been able to spend some serious time wandering on various beaches here. I am accumulating quite the collection of seashells. They are very different than the Pacific variety. Its always windy here, but its been perfect with lots of sun and just the right temperature. I even managed to get sunburned. I could live here.
I have done a couple of watercolor sketches, but they aren't very good. I have, however, been taking a ton of pictures with my film SLR. Hopefully, I can get them developed and posted soon.
What a wonderful place! I have been able to spend some serious time wandering on various beaches here. I am accumulating quite the collection of seashells. They are very different than the Pacific variety. Its always windy here, but its been perfect with lots of sun and just the right temperature. I even managed to get sunburned. I could live here.
I have done a couple of watercolor sketches, but they aren't very good. I have, however, been taking a ton of pictures with my film SLR. Hopefully, I can get them developed and posted soon.
Commencement at Regent University 2007
I can now officially call myself: Jennifer Joy Staab, M.A.
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