
The Top Ten of the Top 1000 Titles Owned by Libraries

How does this list compare to my library?

1. Bible--own and read
2. US Census--do not own and will never read
3. Mother Goose--do not own but have read
4. Divine Comedy--own but only partially read
5. Odyssey--own but not read
6. Illiad--own but not read
7. Huckleberry Fin--own and read
8. Lord of the Rings--own and read
9. Hamlet--own and read
10. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland--own and read

Own: 8 out of 10
Read: 5 out of 10

I guess I have a little reading to do, before continuing on to the rest of the thousand...


Anonymous said...

I have read 5 and I own two. I don't think I will ever read the US Census either!

Anonymous said...

Knock not, the census,
Countless lives through the ages,
There for perusal!

Rose said...

Hi Jen.

I heard that you put the American Express ad in your purse, then was sick on Sunday. Good try for trying!

And I hope you're feeling better. :)