
i like meeting random people on the internet.

i do not like convention center food.

i love haagen dazs ice creams bars.

i do not like working long hours, but my bank account does.


Rose said...

You've got to try the haggen dazs CARAMEL CONE ice cream. It will change your life forever.

Timothy said...

The real questions is, when eating a haggen dazs ice cream bar, do you strip off and munch on the chocolate separately, or eat it together with the ice cream?

jennifer joy staab said...

definately eaten together. its more messy that way anyway.

Rachel Sarah said...

i like to attend a theater production (especially when the tickets are a gift!)

i don't like flu season

i like a cup of tea and a good book

i don't like dust build-up in my house

i like a country walk with my darling