
I am thinking about using a little windfall i received recently to buy a camera:

The one I am looking at is:

Sony DSLR-A100 á (alpha) Digital SLR w/ 18-200 Lense Digital SLR

Tall's Camera has a great deal on it...

mebbe i'll have me a digi SLR by the enda this week, eh?


Mr. Mando said...

Sony makes Quality products with nice features and they look nice too. But Sony is more concerned with protecting themselves than serving consumers. I guess this has more to do with mp3 players, cds and handycams, but Sony has left a bad taste in my mouth, and until they change their ways I am voicing out. I'm not knocking it if you buy/bought it. It will probably take awesome pictures, and work just great. I own a Sony dvdhandycam that takes great video, and I like it a lot, but if I had it to do over I would probably have looked elsewhere.

jennifer joy staab said...

i still haven't bought the camera. so who knows now what i will end up with, but i am still planning on getting one... i will keep you all updated.