
Google Word of the Day

gloaming: twilight; dusk.

Who can create the most creative sentence using this word?


Timothy said...

It was in the gloaming when the man went a-roaming, combing the loam for foam.

Timothy said...

But you didn't use the word "gloaming"...

Mr. Mando said...

Her hair was as firey as the last rays of sun at the gloaming, as the gale blew pounding gusts against the gables.

justin said...

A poem I wrote a couple years ago:

..::If you must::..

Dawn's a squinting ordeal - I loathe it,
and much prefer this gloaming:
The coming of night, with its lesser light,
its cool embrace and dewy kiss,
its crown of dreams, nocturnal springs
of slumber, rest, rejuvenation...

Oh! the moon is smiling, smiling, smiling.
Smiling with a yellow pale smile;
with pale yellow glowing lips, he slips
beneath the horizon and then the stars-
cold and burning bright, right and left
and overhead, glowing. But Dawn is growing.

In the East, he's coming- washing out the yellow stars.
"May I come? May I rise? I think it's time."
It is time, yes. The night is done.