
Some Statistics That You May not Know:

Results for Bloomsday 2002
Jennifer J Staab
Time: 1:14:15 Place: 5908
Ran the race with a pace of 09:57 per mile.
Placed first among people from Bothell, Wa
117th among people the same age
The average time for 27-year-olds was 2:11:34
1672th among female runners
13th among people born on July 8
First among people with the same last name


Anonymous said...

Hello Jen, can I just compliment you on the creativity of your blog, as well as its usefulness as a studying distraction? Plus, congratulations for placing in the top 19.8th percentile of the july 8th-ers. Well done all around!

justin said...

All that for a stupid tee shirt!

Timothy said...

Hi there! I was just checking out your blog and I have to say, you have a lot of great stuff on here! Keep at it!

I thought you might be interested in checking out my blog, http://timothydavis.blogspot.com. You can find some great deals on toothbrushes there also!

justin said...

Jen, you've been blammed. I think severe retaliation is in order.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jen! Dinner at your place tonight??

Looks like blamming works - I got sucked into checking out those toothbrushes... something's weird to me about the thought of placing an electronic device in my mouth... I'll stick with the old-fashioned fuzzy brush.