
Random Thoughts

I am so glad that I am not working retail during the upcoming holiday season.

I bought three things that sparkle yesterday.

My new dentist said I have good bone structure and no tooth decay. Direct Quote: "You have beautiful teeth." I like him already.

Fall has really set in. The grey days are here to stay.

I hope my car survives the winter. It keeps blowing a specific fuse. The one that controls my speedometer and gauges. I finally figured out the problem. When I turn on my lights and the windshield wipers at the same time, it blows. I have a stash of fuses. I figure I will just put in one a week to make sure I know how much gas I have.

My car has also been making some funny noises lately: a squealing belt on cold mornings, a grating brake sound in the rain, squeaky wheel on the drivers side. None of these things seem to happen ALL of the time, just some of the time.

I think I worry too much.

I like drinking barley green and orange juice. Wierd, but I really like the taste!


Timothy said...

In Europe you can have dentists put sparklies on your teeth. I'm sure we'll be seeing it in the States in a few months.

Anonymous said...

Put in a bigger fuse...

jennifer joy staab said...

uh yah. thanks anonymous...did that. this is old news now!