
Lucie over at International Orange created a word called meta-blognition: blogging about blogging. There are different kinds of bloggers, just like there are different kinds of personalities. Here is my list:

1. Hyper-texters: These folks find thing of interest and fill their post full of links. Another name for this kind of person could also be "Internet Tour Guide." One example: "Don't Wait"
2. Social Commentarians: The blogosphere is full of these. Sound Politics and Michelle Malkin are two of my favorites.
3. Gimmicksters: Gotta have a trick or some type of clever scheme to attract readers. Daily Dancer is probably one of the best I've seen, along with Anonymous Lawyer.
4. Dear Diarians: One interesting thing about these bloggers is the large amount of personal information that they share on their online "journal" that they would never say out loud. I won't give any examples of these as I wouldn't want to outright embarrass anyone.
5. Escapadists: People who blog after some sort of crazy event or adventure. The question I have about these is this: Do they have adventures, then blog or do they have adventures so that they can blog? I would admit to being one of these.
6.Cranberries: "Everyone is doing it, so why can't we?" Practically every person on MySpace.com
7. Conglamorites: Any combination of the above.

I have an addition...

8.up-Daters: Here we have people who are "talking without talking" to someone in particular.


jennifer joy staab said...

Link is fixed. Thanks!

justin said...

I'm hoping to be a conglomerite. I think.

Timothy said...

UNACCEPTABLE! I resent being grouped solely into that first category. Granted, I like to point out interesting things I find out there on the World Wide Web. But that is not ALL that I do is point out links.

Ooooh! The nerve!

I aim to be a conglomerator also.

As well, vtjqnye.