

In Switzerland, because of having to walk everywhere, Andrew and I started to keep a walking journal. Andrew was my "pedestrian pool." (instead of carpool, you see?)

Today, on my lunch walk, I thought I should again keep track of things that I notice while i am walking.
1. I picked up two very colorful leaves, and then later added two more. I have a collection pressed into the yellow pages on my bookshelf in my office.
2. The Blackberry bushes are laden. I ate a couple. I wasn't sure if there are pesticides on them, but I haven't felt any adverse side effects since lunch, so I think tomorrow I will take a container of some sort and pick some.

a. If there was some kind of disaster in Seattle, I would want it to happen at work, because of several factors. First, the large amount of blackberry bushes around the area. That would be a great form of sustenance. Next, My building is next to the caterer's building. This means that there would more than likely be food in this building and I could go over and....no....would i really do it? looting? Last, we have a lot of candy stashed at work. This would be able to be rationed out. I would even eat Hershey's if it came to that.

b. I was also thinking about how I would make a blackberry pie in case of a disaster. Here's how I thought it might work. Pick a lot of blackberries. Break open the vending machine at work, take out all the cookies, crunch them up into bits, make a little paste with some of the milk from the cooler. Put the crust into the bottom of the candy bowl, recently emptied of its contents by ravenous techs, and then put the berries on top. Then either try cooking it in the microwave or put it on top of the server. Or maybe make a big fire out back with pallets and cook it over an open fire. That would probably be the best idea.

3. It took me about 20 minutes to walk my circle.
4. The weather was absolute perfection.


justin said...

If there ever were a serious disaster in Seattle, it would most likely be MT. Ranier going suddenly and violently active and burying the entire city in ashes (think Pompei), or an earthquake that causes it to fall into the ocean, or one triggering the other so they happen simultaneously.

Where would your blackberries be then, huh?

Have a nice day.

Timothy said...

Ausser kontrolle.

Funny, I just got into a discussion today with my coworker about what would happen if Mt. Rainer blew. I don't think Seattle would be too affected. But we both agreed that Kent and Auburn would have a hard go of it, especially if the mountain suffered a massive landslide and huge blowout like Mt. St. Helens.

In this case I would want to be a cockroach. Because they live through everything. Even nuclear holocaust.

Which, btw, I heard an interesting guest on the Michael Savage show the other day who says that Zacharwi (whatever that terrorists name is) is planning on detonating seven nuclear bombs in seven major U.S. cities simultaneously. And he received religious permission from some holy Assam Hammassah to do it.

justin said...

Copy and paste this link. Scroll down to see what areas would be most affected.


jennifer joy staab said...

Well, at least I am making a plan. :p