
Good Movie Title?

I read this morning that "tears are meant for an audience." Not only does this appeal to my poetic nature, (I began to think how to write a poem about this image without being too sappy. --but it's hard to write poems about tears, as tears in themselves have become cliche--) but I began to think practically, this is a true statement. What are tears, but a signal that something is wrong? We have something in our eye or we feel pain, physical and/or emotional.

So why is it that we try to hide our tears? Is is because we are ashamed of something? When we write a song or make a movie, do we hide them? No, because they are meant for an audience. How different would life be if we proudly displayed our tears, waving flags, blowing whistles and shouting to everyone, "Hey look! I'm crying!"?


Timothy said...

I got all choked up watching the Flight 93 special on the discovery channel the other day. Can't say that I actually shed tears, but wow, that story really impacted me. Those people were heroes.

justin said...

I knew a guy whose nervous system somehow got all messed up and he would sweat when he became emotional and he would cry when his heart rate was raised.

Not really. But it's an interesting thought.