

MyHeritage results show that I look like Hilary Rodham Clinton, but I am not sure what I think about that.

I wouldn't say that HRC is one of my favorite people, but I guess our smiles are similar. What's your opinion?


Jason Michael Shuttlesworth said...

I think you're really the world record holder in the marathon.


I find it interesting that you two are the same age...

jennifer joy staab said...

huh. interesting. we are also the same height... maybe she's my doppleganger. however, I weigh more than her. :)

Jason Michael Shuttlesworth said...

Sure paula..I mean Jennifer...we know why you REALLY travel all over the country. It's a cover for all your track meets. And those trips to Switzerland...everybody knows that's a hotbed for high-altitude training for world class runners...I shouldn't be surprised if you're munching on a powerbar right now and gatorade...

Timothy said...

Wow, quite similar really. The eyes not so much, but from the nose down your faces are really similar. Interesting.

Mr. Mando said...

not even close, Hillary had to have 24 layers of make-up and studio lighting to look like that, you've got sunlight, and natural goin' on.

Rose said...

I just tried that, and I got matched with Anne Hathaway and Billy Idol...lol.