
What NOT to do on a Monday morning...

When you are getting out of your car to get a nice cup of joe at the local coffee shop, do not toss your keys in your purse that sits on your passenger seat, hit the automatic locks and then shut the door of your car.

I repeat, DO NOT DO THIS.

...just in case you were considering it.


imallforgod said...

oops :S
I've dropped my keys in the trunk just as I was closing it.... that's not fun either. I guess there's a benefit to not having autolocks...although my habit substitutes as that...

Anonymous said...

In addition to avoiding such behavior at coffee shops, I would also encourage extra caution during very stressful seasons, such as Christmas or tax time. The thing is too, once you use up all your AAA service on locksmiths, it costs $50 EACH ADDITIONAL TIME. Perhaps this adds appropriate intensity to your already persuasive argument.